Well, it’s that time again - now that the R builds have stopped updating for my XA2 (latest is 1.81; no 1.9 that I can see), it’s time to do the fingers-crossed-upgrade process again, this time to go to S.
The docco, as usual, is a bit ambiguous. It suggests flashing to stock Android S before doing the /e/OS install via adb sideload
. But there is no stock S for the XA2 - it stopped at R/11 (per this info).
I am assuming, therefore, that it is fine to just go ahead and do the sideload
directly onto the current R build (1.81), per the upgrade instructions. But of course, it would be nice to know whether anyone has managed to do this as per the instructions, or if there are any traps lying in wait
In particular, the prep section tell you to download the recovery-img
file, but I don’t see a command anywhere that says to use it (as it did last year, during the previous white-knuckle upgrade to R). Hence, any direct intel from the field would be useful, thanks!