Using /e/ on Samsung Note 9 SM-N960F/DS

I bought a used Note 9 and installed /e/ on it. This was not without problems. So I want to give help to others, who want to use /e/ on an SM-N960F/DS.

My Note 9 had the newest firmware, Android Q / 10

I give some links, where you can find instructions. Because, why should I do the same, someone else did before me?

First, which buttons are needed, to boot to recovery mode, download mode?

Second, how to install TWRP, get root access and stop encryption
this second article is maybe helpful](

Sometimes it is not possible to install TWRP through Odin, here is the solution (so it was for me)

Hope this can be helpful.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone


Thank you! I will try it soon with my wifes Note 9. I already had some issues with the installation on my S9+ and expect related issues with her Smartphone.

I will let you know in 1-2 weeks how it worked out.

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