Using Essential e-0.7 Pie System Updater to Update to e-0.8-p-2020041049061

The System Updater in my Pie ver. e-0.7-p-2020030644075 PH-1 indicates a new version e-0.8-p-2020041049061 is available. Can I simply download and install it without data loss, or must I start from scratch again and wipe the device, etc.? Thanks.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

normally this OTA should work out of the box. Start download and install and everything should be fine… but to be on the secure side you can made a backup of your /data via TWRP and save it in PC or external SD

Excuse the late response. Spent a week Linux distro hopping.

I did a test today with some strange results. After going back down to Nougat and then /e/ (all working fine) I checked the updater. I was on my last February build. Updater showed a list of updates, most recent being April 15 (0.8-2020041549770). Downloaded and installed. When it finished it never prompted for a reboot so I did so manually.

Back in the ROM I find it’s still Nougat. Settings confirmed the new build number. This new build also suffered from the screen offset issue reported in the past.
Went back to the updater and had it export the new update. 0.8-n-20200415. So yeah, Nougat.

The part that confuses me is that I was under the impression there are/were no new Nougat builds available after Pie was released last month. Much less a change to 0.8. The updater doesn’t show the “n”, " o", and “p” designators in the build numbers so no way to know that the 0.8 offerings are not Pie.

In summary, update failed because it wasn’t Pie.