Using google docs

Somehow I couldnt find a thread regarding this, would suprise me if it wouldnt have been asked before…:
(How) is it possible to use google docs/sheets in a browser on /e/?
My girlfriend would like to work with it but is only able to read the doc/sheet but when she wants to write in it google askso to install the google app (which isnt possible any way).
he is logged in to her g-account under accounts and also in microG.
Whats the solution here, I thought doing it in the browser is the solution already :grin:

Hello @MaxO

I’m using /e/OS, have the apps Google, Google Sheets, Google Docs etc and Google Drive installed and can work with it without problems. I’m also logged into my Google account under microG.
Here for this test I’m working on a Xiaomi Mi10Tpro with the actual /e/OS v2.1-T installed.

Interesting! Her device is on v2.0 and the g-apps are not downloadable in App Lounge…

I see these apps in my AppLounge… (And I can download)
Have you doublechecked AppLounge-settings for display of all sorts of apps?

By the way … There are alternatives to grrgle docs like eg cryptpad, etherpad, onlyoffice, protectedtext and others… :slight_smile:

I know and use alternatives myself, its not about me…
And I just found out that the problem was following the link from Google to the app store, searching for the apps does work fine now.

But still, is there a way to make it work in a browser when logged in to Gulag?
And why doesnt it in the first place, like on a PC?

The mobile browser versions for thoose webapps aren’t optimized therefore on android the apps are a must. I had to start using google classrooms, etc. and ended up using either a computer browser and in the end some cheap chromebook to have it separated from my private notebook

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They are available in Aurora Store. Maybe /e/ choose not to show thwem bwcause thay are from Google?

No, they are available. I was mistaken, see post above.
Just wondering now if its possible to use g-docs in a browser or in any other way without the g.apps…

There could be a way but not very usable.
Waaaay back in the day, trying to access Google Hangouts on a mobile browser always redirected to Google Play Store.
When browser was set to desktop mode Hangouts was accessible. However, everything was tiny, for obvious reasons.

Just for testing purposes try that and see what happens, as far as being able to edit something. Even if successful the user experience will be terrible on a phone-sized screen.

Isn’t Hagouts dead since months…?

Yes, which is why I said “Waaaay back in the day”.

Thanks, I did try that before and somehow it didnt work either…
Thanks all!

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