Using my own domain for emails

I’ve seen that there already exist a few threads about this topic but as they’re pretty old I would like to discuss it again.

Is it possible or at least planned?
I saw some features in the email options for adding further accounts and identities and I wonder what they are for/if they are what I am looking for. My guess is no but who knows… :smiley:

I am in the process of getting rid of my own hosted services and switching to plus looking for an email service. I thought of using maybe along with but this makes it more complicated and expensive. though supports custom domains but quite limited aliases and does not support importing/migrating mails yet. Yeah… 1st world problems I know…

Best would be having all under one hood at


I’m in the same situation as the OP. Would like the same functionality without having to set up my own self-hosted server.


I am also very intetested in this feature.

I think I may be the authors of one of those earlier threads :wink:

I noticed that Proton mail has a way to use your own domain (only if you’re paying)

It was mentioned as a forthcoming option on murena cloud on the 22nd May broadcast. But for b2b accounts.

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