Verification failed in App Store

Hi, I tried to install xbrowsersync. It’s downloaded but error App cannot be installed. The verification failed?

best get it from f-droid store - xBrowserSync | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

If I compare 1.5.2 apks (estore vs fdroid) they are different in some parts of their content, but the fdrid apk signature is proper, they verify locally. What cleanapk returns in the signature http repsonse seems wrong → you can write to or open a gitlab Issue for the package being broken.

Thank you tcecyk,
I got it from Aurora Store, but that was not the best idea. Aurora tries to update other apps too and that might be fatal if microg or system apps are updated. There are also other app versions in Aurora e.g. telegram or signal are not the foss versions. After a while you don’t know anymore from which store you got the app.

You can add apps to Aurora Stores ‘Blacklist’ so it will not try to update them

Look in Settings, Apps and Notification s, select the app, then click Advanced and scroll down. It tells you which store the app was installed from

Thanks, I also found the filters in Aurora where you can exclude google apps. Suspicious is that the eOS Apps store needs 500MB memory, more than all other apps together??

Just disable it :slight_smile: You can get everything you need in F-Droid or Aurora Store, and you know where their apk files are coming from

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It’s a good idea of the e Apps store to verify apps with I just wondered why it wastes so much memory (you can’t deactivate it and that doesn’t deinstall it). It’s the only app I need, all other preinstalled stuff and widgets should be removed. A group with recommended apps and e-apps in the store would be a lot better. A preinstalled magisk or TWRP would also be ok.

Aurora can’t update system apps, so no worries there.

Also, the Telegram FOSS version won’t be overwritten by the regular version, they’re different apps.

Sometimes the update via Aurora store is a lot faster than via the /e/ app store, so it can be welcome from time to time.


Pour information, j’ai rencontré le problème et l’ai résolu en effaçant les données de l’application « Apps » (effacement donnée + cache). :wink:
