VoLTE and/or VoWiFi on Samsung S8 (or S9)


I’ve a Samsung S8 with the latest /e/OS (pre-installed and up to date) - I’ve a friend with the S9.

I can’t seem to find settings for VoLTE and VoWiFI. When I search, they come up, offer menu sections, but then there are no actual settings for them. In other words, these settings are searchable but not reachable.

Is there something I’m missing? Can this phone do VoLTE and/or VoWiFi? Do I need to do something special to activate them or access the settings?

Thanks for any possible help,

Currently, no. It is well known in the custom ROM developer community that Samsung has its own proprietary implementation for IMS services (VoLTE, VoWiFi, etc.). It is probably almost impossible to port these to LineageOS or /e/OS, although many (futile) attempts have been made so far.

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Thanks for the very clear reply. It’s sad, but least I’m done searching.

Take care,

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Is there actually an overview of all the devices/manufacturers where VoLTE, VoWiFi, etc. do not work with LineageOS?

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