August 20, 2019, 1:50pm
When I make phone calls using headphones, the volume is painfully loud, even set to the lowest it will go. So loud that I have to move the headphones from my ears. I guess it beats not being able to hear people, but is there a way to turn it down further?
The headphones I use are just regular on ear headphones, plugged into the jack with not extra controls of their own.
April 26, 2020, 9:30pm
Hey, @kats ! Did you find any solution? I have the same problem.
April 27, 2020, 8:40am
I asked here :
Is it possible to add volume levels to volume management ? Let me explain myself, I am using Nougat, and there is only 5 levels of volume in calls, and sometimes the lowest setting (1/5) isn’t low enough for me
I also have the same problem with “music” volume when using earphones : 2/15 is too loud and 1/15 is really low I barely can hear anything
I suggest having more volume levels for each, let’s say 10 for calls and 30 for audio
What do you guys think about it ?
Since there is no news, I opened an issue in gitlab https://gitlab.e.foundation/groups/e/-/issues?scope=all&utf8=✓&state=opened&search=Finer+sound+control
May 19, 2020, 4:44pm
Na, sorry, didn’t. I mean, sort of: I don’t put the headphones on my ears, but on my cheeks. But that’s more of a workaround than a fix, really.
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Any news on this ?
volume step is not precise enough, too loud or too low.
if we can increase the number of steps, could be fine.
I tried to find any app as workaround but no success.
I haven’t tried crappy app on play store.
I’m using GS290 bought on e foundation shop
I have the same painful experience looking quite strange while holding my phone 5cm away from my ear or using the method @kats described above.
My old Nokia phone has the ability to decrease the volume using the volume down button to a zero level doing it at fine levels.
Since I also use a standard Android 11 OS phone that shows the same volume behavior I guess it’s an Android thing rather than an /e/ issue.
Can anyone confirm?