Weather application -- or applications?

I am a bit confused about weather. :rainbow:

When I installed /e/ I seem to end up with three (I think) weather apps.

  1. Weather app on home screen. From it’s About information this seems to be an app called Good Weather, adapted to be /e/ Weather. It seems to work pretty much out of the box. But there doesn’t seem to be any information on where it is getting its information from, or what data it is sending to the provider.

  2. A Weather widget on the widgets screen (does that screen have a name – the one to the left of the home screen?). This is big and looks like it would be useful but it is unconfigured. I can’t find what app this is and when I go to Settings I find I need to install a “provider”. I have selected Yahoo weather, which works, but I have no information about what information this is providing to Yahoo. It is clearly using different data from app number 1.

  3. The Settings for the /e/ Weather app talk about a widget. But I don’t seem to be able to show that widget.

It would be nice to understand:

  • Which Weather app(s) are you planning to ship?
  • What choices of providers are there?
  • What are the privacy implications?

By the way, being British, I ended up sideloading the BBC Weather app, as I do on all my phones. :sunny:

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The /e/ Weather app is a fork of Good Weather. And since Good Weather relies according to their description on data from OpenWeatherMap (see F-Droid package), it is probably safe to assume that the /e/ Weather app does so too.

The Weather widget is part of the Blisslauncher and offers a data interface for weather providers. For current known details about weather provider options have a look here:

I believe it would be advisable to hide this configuration panel in order to avoid misunderstandings.