Week 38, 2023: Development and Testing Updates

That would be the ‘test-channel’ as it also should state in the setting. Has nothing to do with ‘dev’ build

There is a link in Manoj’s post, hidden behind a triangle :wink:

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How will you proceed with devices which are on stable build but don’t receive OTA? Not sure if there are many but I am asking about devices like Pixel 4a.

Where can the recovery images of v1.15 be found?
(Or did their filenames on the “images” server simply get messed up?)

Why i can not activate fingerprint on Poco F3 1.15-s?

I am on an FP3 1.14 S/stable (1.15 not there yet). Do I understand correctly, that there is no OTA update from S to T and that sooner or later S builds will phase out and I have to do a manual update from S to T to have an updated smartphone? Or are there any plans for OTA updates for some devices in the future?

The OS OTA upgrade directly to /e/OS T will take some time. Will share details once there is some positive news around this.


Can’t find again the post, but IIRC, there was an OTA upgrade from Q to R for Galaxy S9/9+ planned and ready for 1.15 …
Can you confirm ?
If so, really OTA, or manual ?
And … with full phone cleanup, or keeping onboard data (and may be apps) ?

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We expect to release the OTA OS Upgrade for the Galaxy S9/S9+ stable build this coming monday. Q (A10) to R (A11)


And it will only available for “stable” build, right ?

Thank you for making that clear.

Yes stable build. Updated the previous post.

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Would anyone of the team (e.g. @Manoj) be so kind to have a look at the mismatch between zip and (recovery) img versions at e.g. https://images.ecloud.global/dev/a3xelte/ to initiate an update to a state of correspondence!?
(As far as I’ve seen, this concerns each and every dev folder containing a v1.15 zip)

It’s seems to be OK pour the S9 (starlte): https://images.ecloud.global/dev/starlte/

This is just one exception (to the rule). In this case the recovery imgs of v1.15 are simply missing …
(And to omit them generally is not an option, cause (according to the install docs) they are usually needed on first install of the OS …)

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Not fully clear for me!
1- I see my Oneplus8T kebab is in the list of the devices getting the /e/OS T build
2- You say that the T build will be available with the 1.15 release
3- When I check my phone update parameter, it is indicated that I’m running the last release (1.14s)
4- When I check the documentation for manual upgrade, it is specified that I have to download the last T build
5- When clicking on the link of the “T dev” build I discover that “T-dev” means “S-dev” : e-1.15-s-20230916331435-dev-kebab.zip

So I’m a little bit confused :exploding_head:

After carefully make all my backups, I decided to download e-1.15-s-20230916331435-dev-kebab and give it a try. So it works fine with the latest security upgrade of Android12(S)

@Manoj I imagine you have to update your initial post, by explaining documentation will be fully accurate when T builds will be available.

/e/OS T builds or v1.15 roll out is as yet not complete. As mentioned in the inital post the complete roll out will go on for a week - till 26 September. We are releasing a few builds for select devices each day.
The documentation for the T builds has already been published. Unfortunately we cannot selective release the documentation. So please wait till the roll out is complete to be able to download the T builds.


Thanks for your swift answer😄

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Hi Manoj, I bought my FP3 ca. 1.5 year ago from Murena because I wouldn’t dare to install /e/OS myself (I managed it once on another phone with a lot of help from great /e/ forum users). This means I am now indeed worried that there might be no further OTA upgrades for the FP3+. I don’t necessarily need to have the latest android version but if you stop maintaning previous versions - I would have to buy a new phone to have safety patches etc. In another post on the idea of the Bliss launcher you wrote “/e/OS has always been targetted at the non technical user.” - this is just to confirm the importance of continuous OTA upgrades at least for devices you have sold at the Murena shop. I suppose it is really hard work to provide such OTA upgrades - but I really hope you will manage to also include the FP3 for further OTA upgrades (I had bought it to use it for a long time). Finally thanks again for all the great efforts! (from a non technical user :slight_smile: )

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Thanks, I had read that information, too - but I am not sure whether it would include the FP3+ too. And my comment was also meant as a general remark on the extremely high importance of OTA upgrades for non-technical users. If Murena had the policy to only offer OTA upgrades to the devices they currently sell at the shop then the FP3/FP3+ would be out.

Edit: I am on 1.13-s-20230724313396-stable-FP3 (Android 12) - so my direct question refers to OTA upgrade for FP3+ to /e/OS T (Android 13). But I think it is a general question how long can you as a non-tech user expect such OTA upgrades for devices you bought from the Murena shop. Or: If there is no OTA Upgrade - when will support for previous versions be dropped. In this situation non tech users would have to live with an outdated system or learn how to update manually (via Easy installer or more difficult ways). This could be an important whether to buy such a device or not.