What is the best Client for file sync?

Hey there.
I want to synch all my files with murena cloud. But it doesn’t matter which client (Version 3.10 - 3.14 RC4) I use, I never get a complete file sync. creating a new folder and download, everything workes fine. But if I want to upload files, it sync a couple thousands… but after upload a couple files, it breaks… so… it’s running, but no upload. No error or timeouts or anything. (The Client-based Networkerrors I got, I reported to NextCloud Client)

I can upload over webdav a lot of files, but after a couple minutes, I got server-errors. And these files lost all there meta informations. Files uploaded with NC-client save their meta informations (like creation date)

For me, I try to upload ~200.000 Files with different sizes. (between a couple bytes up to 10GB)

The support from NC said, that this happens, when the server is configurated for bulk files. This is a broken feature, I understand.

So my question: Is there a supported or recommend Windows Software for file-sync?

Btw: I tried different locations too, like Servers from different countries.

BTW: the problem is on the NC Client for Android, too.


Isn’t your storage just full?
You can check in https://murena.io, both dashboard & Files app. If there are any useless files in Deleted it can help deleting them permanently.

I bought 2TB… so no, I have a lot of space left.
My trashbin is cleared too (it’s another ticket)…

(And my local storage are 5TB)

It is not fully clear to me but I do not think the Murena service is a full 2 way sync. It seems to me that some users of their Murena cloud have difficulties which I don’t see.

I treat the first job of the cloud service as keeping my phone(s) backed up. I believe this content is also backed up (again) on Murena servers. In this sync of the phone, I treat the phone as master and Murena as slave.

Say I wanted to store files on Murena which are not on my phone, I would put them in some file structure different from the primary Android file structure. I would expect these “alternative” directories to behave correctly but with no significance to phone content. To answer the thread title, I would not expect the client to be particularly significant. I now appreciate you require sync.

Oh… I disabled the phone sync from murena and use nextcloud on my phone. the problem is, I have a lot of pictures and music… more than my mobile can handle in folder structures like year/month.
When I sync with murena service, I have A LOT of folders calls 01, 02, 03,… and so on. And using different folder structures solves the problem on mobile but not for files.

My “Masterplan” was to leave Microsoft OneDrive and go to murenacloud. I use OneDrive since 10 years and there are Files on it from about 30 years. (the reason why ~200K Files)

So I uploaded over webdav some files. But now, all timestamps are broken. To fix them, I have to sync them with NC-Client OR edit all of them on the webfrontend. BUT!!! Believe me, it’s not fun to change alle the timestamps manually for 60K Pictures and 10K Videos.

So in this case it is a requirement for you to sync the content. The “upload” you are using seems to be copying your files.

I did once test Unison, GitHub - bcpierce00/unison: Unison file synchronizer, to make a copy of my Murena content (untested the other way), I guess another more simple program like rsync might work for your use case.

A little further reading

Hi @aibd ,

I tried WebDAV-Sync and unison. Both only “copy” the files and override the timestamp. I don’t tried cyberduck. But the doc said it copies the files, too. Maybe the webdav do not work right, cause I tried TeraCopy and WinSCP. And some files have their real timestamp and some got a new one :frowning:

It is possible that Unison is not the best program for this job, but (from unison/unison-manual.txt at documentation · bcpierce00/unison · GitHub) modified file times should be preserved with the option

  -times              synchronize modification times

However, I think, all directories are treated as created on the remote, so the created timestamp of directories will be “current”.

I tried now something new… A restart of the NC-Client does not solve any problems… but, if it is running and went to a problem, I disconnect the internet and connect it again. The client does not restart the sync, but it continues it. This is a strange behavior, but it works for me. :man_facepalming:

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