What was causing the shutdown issue on my one plus 7 pro?

I installed /e/ on my one plus 7 pro phone (pie) about a week and half ago and at first i had a few problems. I followed the instructions and side-loaded Version e-0.9-p-2020051454091-dev-guacamole.zip ws using twrp. Before the system reboot twrp said no OS was installed. I rebooted anyway because I read Twrp sometimes warns that in error. After the reboot the OS setup was stable until I removed the USB cable for adb (linux user here). I removed the usb cable on the second reboot and that is when I started to have a problem. /e/ would boot and then shutdown about 10-15 seconds after the OS was running. It would then go into legacy recovery. I tried again with e-0.9-p-2020042751613-dev-guacamole.zip and this time I pushed the zip file onto the oneplus 7 pro’s sd card and killed the adb server before I disconnected the usb cable. The problem stopped and I updated to the latest version using the phones updater. Any idea what caused the shutdown? I am still learning android so any education on something I did wrong etc will help me. Thanks

ps so far everything has been running great on /e/ and it has become my daily driver

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

Yes that’s normal, no problem here.

Sadly I don’t know why there was an issue with sideload… Golad it’s solved now :slight_smile: