WhatsApp and LinkedIn apps are stuck on "Installing" step and won't finish the install

WhatsApp and LinkedIn apps are stuck on “Installing” step and won’t finish the install.
I use FP3+ and /e/OS is 1.18-s-20231207360611-stable-FP3.

I will update to 1.19, however, does anyone have the same issue?

Thank you!

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone


I guess you are using App Lounge to install these apps? Go to Parameters>Applications>App Lounge and clear cache and storage. You’d need to log anonymously again, and try the app installation again. This should solve it.

And yes you can update to 1.19.1 but I don’t think your problem is related to the /e/ version.

Thanks MaMaTT88! I cleared the data and the cache, logged back in and it worked!

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