Whatsapp availability in /e/OS?


I am migrating from KaiOS and I am hesitating to buy an /e/OS device,
One of my criterion is the availability of WatsApp,
As I am looking for work, some recruiters are sadly working with WhatsApp as a first contact…
I have seen some post here that mention Whatsapp being available in those devices and wonder if it still true as of now? (I ask the quesion because Whatsapp recently quit being open to KaiOS)

Thank you in advance

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Have you tried www.whatsapp.com? They offer the .apk installation file right away.

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It is available in e/os I just installed yesterday and have it working well


I have seen the app is available on computer but must always be linked to a phone for some obscure reasons,

for privacy reasons you may use Whatsapp with the Shelter app.