When murena FP5 is shipped?

Question for Murena: When do you expect the Murena FP5 to ship? I only ask because I won’t be home next week and would like to pre-order.

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Customers in the UK, Switzerland and most European countries can pre-order their Murena Fairphone 5 with /e/OS at https://murena.com from August 30th for planned deliveries end of September.

Customers in France can join the waiting list for the Murena Fairphone 5 with /e/OS at https://murena.com for deliveries from mid-October

The Murena Fairphone 5 is not yet available in the USA. But the good news is that you can get the Murena Fairphone 4 in the USA at murena.com/america/


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Ok, thanks, I saw that, but I don’t know, what ‘end of September’ means exactly… Are they ready to ship next week - or will it be October?

Any news on shipping?

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As I understand from an email from Murena, the shipping of FP5 has been moved to mid-October

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