Where/how do I request an app?

Hello. I am deaf, and I’ve just been told about an app called ‘999 BSL’. For those reading this who live outside the UK, 999 is the emergency number, and this app would allow me to call 999 via a sign language interpreter, 24/7. I haven’t updated my phone yet and I’ve had it a few years now (something on my list of things to do), but this 999 BSL app is not available under ‘apps’, and I can’t download it via the 999 BSL website without signing into Google store, which I don’t want to do. Thank you for your help.

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“Apps” have been replaced by “AppLounge” in 2022.


you will be abble to install “999 BSL” from their website


You open the link called “free download” with the previously installed “AuroraStore”
(open source app, anonymous connexion to the “gogol play store”)
(use anonymous)

If you can’t find an app in the App Lounge, try searching using that app’s package name.

So in this case, search for : com.sorenson.sli.bsl999

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