Where is Xiaomi Mi A2 jasmine_sprout images?

The e OS and e OS recovery download links leads to nowhere from Doc page https://doc.e.foundation/devices/jasmine_sprout/install. What’s up with that?

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

hi @pavel_sayekat, welcome to this forum.

You are right, for the moment links are broken
@Manoj ?


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@Manoj : There is a second missing: z2_plus

Thanks for sharing the info. Checking with the build team.

Will update

Update: Images for both devices are now available for download

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@pavel_sayekat : The destination for the download-link is repaired.

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Is there a Rom for Mi A2 Lite. 4Gb Ram, 64Gb rom, AndroidOne Global
Model M1805D1SG

Not from /e/OS, not from LineageOS officially, but on github.com LineageOS 21.0 UNOFFICIAL for Mi A2 Lite lineage-21.0-20240623-UNOFFICIAL-daisy

Since the Android 14 QPR3 update (June 2024 patches), I decided to start signing the builds with our private keys (hence you can’t update your existing installation with the updater). Please follow the Upgrade instructions to migrate from unsigned to signed builds.

Xiaomi Mi A2 Lite (daisy)

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All made when running Windows. I run Linux.

That is not true. ADB fastboot commands on Android, which can be executed via Windows, Mac and Linux, are the same in handling.

I can remember that I had to install USB drivers on Windows, I can’t find the drivers and install guide for Linux. Or maybe I’m reading the wrong website?

I’m a Noob.

I have reinstalled in the past a Rom or too on Windows, not easy but the description was clear on one website with all the needed tools there.

Now I’m reading a page, downloaded boot and ROM and got redirected to several websites for more info, and now I’m lost.

What you need are the Android SDK Platform Tools for Linux

Drivers as when using Windows are not necessary under Linux.

Please refer to /e/OS documentation regarding installation

:crossed_fingers: Happy flashing!

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