Which default Weather service in /e/?

In the first releases of /e/, we used Yahoo weather and forecasts, then we could negociate an affordable deal with OpenWeatherMap and we switch to this service as default.

However, some users complain that their forecasts are not accurate…

How good / how bad are the OpenWeatherMap forecasts for you?

Do you think we should reverse to Yahoo Weather? Or an other weather API?



I only use it when traveling, to search the weather expected in my destination.


I have been using OpenWeatherMap data on several open source applications for several months.

No problem to find the city
Forecasts are for the most part just right. The wind is the only data that is less precise but we find this problem on all applications and weather services.

Most important is not the weather of the day but the weather forecast for the coming days for me


I never have an Iissue with it. It’sthe right joice


OpenWeatherMap for me too. Better than anything else I’ve used for forecasts except the UK Met Office (whose app was clunky and unpleasant to use last time I looked.)

Started using weatherbit.io with my KODI installation and must say that i am satisfied with accuracy in prediction of weather. haven’t found any android app that support their API yet.

I use Forecastie with OpenWeatherMap, and I have no trouble (with the widget also)



Openweathermap forecasts are not reliable to my experience. Far better weather providers are https://www.met.no (used by xfce4-weather-plugin) and https://darksky.net (used by some Gnome shell extension). But for the second one you have to get you an individual api key.


OpenWeatherMap works properly, in France at least. And personally, I find it better to stay on OpenWeatherMap, I have more than limited confidence in Yahoo and others about privacy compliance.

Openweathermap is owned by a private company, Extreme Electronics LTD . Why would it be more trustworthy than the Norwegian Meteorological Institute? Just because they use a “open” in their name?


Openweather main app does not work for me. I cannot set location using the location icon or by typing in my city. It is always London @ 7 am saying clear sky a 0C. Nothing I can do changes this.

The widget gets my city correct and the present weather and forecasts appear to be correct. However, sometimes I must change from C to F to force the app to update.

I am in Chiang Mai Thailand and I’m not sure if my location is part of the problem.

Does the Norwegian Meteorological Institute have an Weather forecast API?

OK: https://www.met.no/


@GaelDuval I’m not a coder, but as the XFCE plugin can access their data without any prior configuration, I assume there must be such a thing. I guess you have already found some information at their site?

EDIT: Maybe that’s what you want to know: https://api.met.no/index.html
and: https://github.com/xfce-mirror/xfce4-weather-plugin


Sometimes GPS don’t work with OpenWeatherMap (plugin and app). But when it works, it’s ok…


I use aix weather. Its a widget. Works perfekt for me.


YR (application of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute) is the most reliable service and the application is very good.


I noticed data differences between Norwegian Meteorological Institute and openweathermap for example on the city of Nantes in France.

If we do the weather hour by hour, the weather and temperatures are slightly different.

See example below with Nantes:


Who is right ? I do not walk with my thermometer to check especially at midnight

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I guess for weather forecasts, there are many regional preferences.
I have good experiences with FOSS weather app from fdroid, which uses some German weather services (wetterdienst.de, DWD.de) but also international services (meteoblue.com)

At least DWD is public service and not private company


We need a weather service that offers data for all regions of the world.

Does the source of the data have to be open source or public?

If we use the API of a site to retrieve the weather information with an application developed by our own means, we completely control the collected data.
The weather services API can retrieve information from users but only to users to recover the weather data and in this case we can use services like accuweather, meteo, weatherblue, etc …

Is it really worth taking the lead with weather services from the moment the data only go in one direction to know weather service to user only?