Which default Weather service in /e/?

I am quite surprised to see that one year and a half after the beginning of this discussion, /e/ still has OpenWeatherMap for wheather, considering the above discussion. As @Brado said before, this app is probably mixing data and is also not accurate. I just can’t use it!
I am mot sure they will be a unique solution as I consider each country having the best data for its area. Why not get rid of Weather default app ?
/e/ is a great OS and most apps work fine and are nice. This “fist page” is definitely not a good publicity!


For me, all of these weather apps are useless. The most useful means of getting weather information is a browser bookmark for my location at the site of my country’s national weather service (Metoffice in UK.) If it were possible I’d eradicate any default weather app on my phone.

Edit: the widget would go too!


I like this app thx good simple widgets. The weather seems pretty accurate in the Netherlands.

I don’t understand why location has to be activated to update the tempertaur. When I press on it, London comes up.

It seems that OpenWeatherMap works in France and Norway only…
The display of London is a “known bug seen as a feature” (maybe a way to keep contact with UK after brexit :wink: )
As @lcjmle said earlier, why not vote in a survey? Il propose options:

  • choose 1 app
  • choose 2 apps
  • choose no app
  • let us remove Weather widget

Yeah, I missed hourly forecast in Good Weather. Here the weather changes rapidly :sweat_smile:

Anyway I would like and need a lot an hour-per-hour (every hour of each day) forecast

Nope, OpenWeatherMap (or just Weather 4.4 for that matter?) does not work in France either!
Or at least, it does not work here, about 2 miles south of Paris (while location works in maps, Weather has Location access enabled, etc.).

  • “Geolocated using network” does not work: It might display the city name properly, but:
  • The weather info it gives are wrong, and they never change ever,
  • Manually entering the location fails for the widget: It pops a box saying “Verifying location” and spins there for a while, then comes back to the “Enter location” box (I tried “Paris,/FR”, “Paris,FR” to no avail),
  • The weather app always and only gives London, UK weather information,
  • In the app, using the “Find current location” button (upper right) opens a box “Find current location” and then spins forever.
    And the widget takes half the screen to display phony data.

IOW, Weather is totally broken on my 0.9-2020070161106, Bliss 1.3.2

I’m also a fan of met.no & yr.no - and they are good open source citizens, their GitHub repositories are active.

It is a good summary. :wink:
Some pepole dont use Bliss to avoid the problem.
However, my intention is to have /e/ fully working and I try to use preinstalled apps as much as possible. I hope I am not alone and expect /e/ to become a complete system that can be used by a lot of non-geek people.

So I am still waiting for a decision of /e/ people about Wheather app…

I share your concerns, goals and wishes, and I’m sure we’re not alone.
Let’s hope we are heard! :slightly_smiling_face:

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However, the Yr.no app has a load of trackers, mostly the Google arsenal (AdMob, Firebase, Crashlytics, etc), plus one called ComScore.
But the API is just that, a public API, by a publicly funded, scientific institute. No strings attached.

I just updated to /e/OS 0.11 (appeared yesterday) and weather seems mostly fixed!
The widget gives plausible results, the app is not flying to London anymore but was properly located upon update reboot. Pushing the localisation button still gets the app to spin forever, but heck! I see considerable improvements already.

Hmmm, I might have been overoptimistic above:
The temperature of the day does not evolve in neither the widget nor the app. It sticks at early morning value… (sigh)
The app seems to update if I do it manually (refresh), but the updated value does not propagate to the widget.
I’ll see tomorrow whether the 5-day forecast gets updated or sticks to whatever it shows today.

Weather in 0.11, continued:
Temperature of the day is still broken in the widget, it never changes. As for the forecasts, the jury is still out, I’ll see during the next days.
The app seems to give better results for both current weather and previsions, but its automatic refresh does not: Set to refresh every hour, its “Last update” time shows it is not. It has to be manually updated.

Thank you for the news @Filofel.
I will continue using my national weather app, as a lot people do!

Yeah, looks like a good strategy: :slightly_smiling_face:
I confirme the widget is still completely broken.
The day names shift, but the data stay exactly the same from day to day…

At home, I normally use a combination of the Norwegian YR.no, Swedish SMHI.se and some US weather service, which together gives a fairly good prognosis. Still, I would like to be able to choose from more than only one. Those Scandinavians have never given a very good prognosis for, say, the Latin Americas.

Hmmm… Strange.
This morning, the widget showed proper current temperature and valid 5-day forecasts.
I haven’t done anything special.
Looks like the widget randomly updates once in a blue moon…

Hi @GaelDuval,

You have opened this topic and received a lot of opinions and advices. I feel that most people are not satisfied with OWM since it is not accurate at all. As I said earlier, each national weather service probably has more accurate forecast than a “universal one”.
I am not familiar with how decisions are taken within e.foundation but I would appeciate if you communicate something as you have firstly asked a question. Any answer will be good, i.e:

  • we think OWP is good and will keep this app
  • we are too busy on other subject at this moment and may not reply
  • we have chosen another app for a future release
  • we will remove weather app et let users choose one
  • we will keep OWP and help them to make it work
  • those thinking OWP does not work just don’t know how to parameter the app correctly
  • we never give any type of answer on this forum (read this “link” to understand why)
  • etc.

Thank you in advance for any message!


The open weather app is different to every other weather provider I can find for my city so, yes, it isn’t accurate. Also the default e app is useless to me because it doesn’t provide an hourly forecast. People need to know roughly what time it is expected to rain or how long it will be sunny for etc. This is why hourly forecasts exist. Why you don’t have it in the app is beyond me and the fact that there isn’t an easy way to delete it and its widget is very frustrating.