Why is my email alias not usable to create a /e/gitlab account

I would like to create a gitlab account on /e/ gitlab instance, using the email I use for all opensource dev… I don’t want to use my personnal email, because in the past I had to change email after it was disclosed after asking for support/reporting bugs…
this email is used without problem on gitlab, github, some other opensource hosting… but is rejected by /e/gitlab, and I don’t get why…

I’ve some bugs/issues to report regarding the note10+ build, related to obb storage that isn’t shared among multiple user, gps that don’t provide glonass/beidoo/galileo sats…

and there is no contact email/form, so don’t know how to ask help creating the profile…

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone


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Using this topic for another question related to email aliases: @Manoj what about adding more of these additional aliases? Is it complicated to do? Just asking, as I have no idea.

As you may be aware, it is not possible at present. The team may plan to add this feature at a later stage.

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