WLAN-Connection goes on/off/on/off

im new to /e/os and installed it yesterday.
My problem is, that it always connects and then disconnects from my home network.
On another network and inside an hotspot from my other device it works correctly.

I thought it would switch between the 2,4 an 5 ghz line, but i split them into two networks and the problem is always the same.
My phone is a Poco X3 Pro and I have a Fritzbox 7530AX.

Has anybody had this problem before?

Every once in a while I have a similar issue with my S7.
I cannot reproduce it and it “repairs itself” after a few attenpts to reconnect… my best guess is that it is somehow related to the combination of wifi network (fritz powerline) and the phone but I have not resolved it yet and it happens too seldom to really bother me.

Have you tried getting in touch with avm customer support? from my experience they are responsive …

Thank you for your answer.

Sadly in my case it does not work for even a minute.
it really jumps from connected to disconnected every 5 -10 seconds.

I thought it is an /e/os problem, because every other phone (we tried 6 different from friends) works just fine.

Might well be… Maybe resetting the wifi settings in the phone helps (?)
System settings → system → reset options → …

I tried it and restarted the phone, but the problem stays the same.

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I had a temperamental phone / router which could be fixed by switch off this setting found in Developer options

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Thank you for the advice.
Sadly this didn´t change anything.

If available in WiFi advanced network settings for the offending network, try to disable IPv6 and MAC address randomization.

In the settings there is only available to disable the MAC address. I did not found the IPv6 disabling option.

But i now saw, that the phone is always jumping between Wifi 4 to 5 to 6 and then back again from Wifi 6 to 5 to 4.

I now shut down the 5ghz and disabled Wifi 5 and 6.

So the phone can only connect to a 2,4Ghz Wifi 4 Network.

And it is still in the reconnecting loop.

I’m also in this with a Galaxy S7 and FritzBox. From a bug report I got this info

On a Galaxy S4 I had & still have this Fritz issue:

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Sadly it does not change anything.

I now tried some other OS.
Awaken, crDroid, Evolution X and they all work fine.

Lineage and /e/os have the same Wifi problem.
is also tried every /e/os Version availabe and they all have the same problem.

Is there anybody who is using /e/ on an Poco X3 Pro?

Or can you recommend a OS with the same Safety Options available for this device?

Well yes, they share the same base.

Do have a nother router? Ask a friend for one!? Any ole thing should do…
Set it up as an access point in your network and see if it works!? (To rule out the Poco, being the issue)

I tried 3 other Networks and with all it works perfectly.
Just in my own home it does not work. :smiley:

The help i found for the fritzbox was not working either.

Yeah, they are just not so easy to get, in those countries, where most devs live.
So it is hard to debug and if AVM isn’t aware of issues, they won’t fix it either.
Wanna give them a call? Maybe you’re lucky!

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Hey all,
i now contacted AVM and they said, that the Poco does not support the correct Wifi standard to communicate with the Fritzbox.
So i need to install a repeater that uses the old 802.11b (Wifi 2) to connect.

But the Xiaomi page says, that the X3 Pro supports:

So when i changed the wifi standard in the router to Wifi 4 for both of the split 2,4Ghz and 5Ghz networks it sould work or am I wrong?

And other OS worked without any problem.
So is it an /e/ problem?

You said the phone connects w/o issues with several other networks (other routers) - you can check the connection details in the phone whilst connected to one of those routers (that offers wifi 4) and thus confirm (or not) the phone’s capability of wifi 4-standard.

Was it a good experience talking to them, over all?
To really get someone on the phone like that… cool! But just b does not sound right for a device from 2021!

Yeah they were kind and tried their best.

First i had a woman on the phone. She send me this link: Häufige Abbrüche der WLAN-Verbindung | FRITZ!Box 7530 AX

But most of the hints listed there did not help or i had already tried them.

Then i have send another request with their Contact-Form. I got an E-Mail saying, that it is a problem with the 802.11b Wifi standard. And that i should get a repeater.

But now as mentioned, that does not sound logical to me. Because my Phone worked with exact the same network on its original OS for over a year. And it worked with three other custom roms also.
The trouble only starts when you want to use Lineage OS or /e/OS.