since i have not found anything related, i opened a new thread.
On my Z5c /e is running fine with Nova-Launcher. Today i tried to activate the WiFi-hotspot… it`s switching back to off after 1 second. I tried switching on/of WLAN, same procedure. I tried with/without WPA2, 2,4GHz/5GHz… still off after 1 second. In the overview “Homespot and Tethering” under WLAN-Hotspot “error” is shown.
After the last update /e/OS 0.21-20220125158734 (Android 11) is running.
I can confirm this behaviour is happening in R build, but not in Q build. I will check whether it is happening in the upstream LineageOS 18.1 ROM or whether it is a problem just with /e/OS. I will raise the necessary gitlab issue report.
I have created a gitlab issue, and will try to ensure it is fixed ASAP
I’ve tried the earlier R builds, and hotspot has never worked in R on this device I will try to make sure that testing hotspot functionality is included on the test plans for new releases. (It’s not in the test plans used for releases up to now.