First Xiaomi, for e/ only… I have a PC under windows 11.
Easy step to date was Unlocking the bootloader, following Xiaomi guides,
I also succeeded in installing TWRP (but Volume up + power goes to Xiaomi Recovery with Reboot only possibility…)
I currently struggle in the step to update current Xiaomi ROM from V12.0.1.0 to V12.0.3.0.QDGMIXM… as it is not automated from the phone
1st try using Mi flashtool
was installed
never worked
2sd try using fastboot
I copy the .ziP in “platform tools” directory
the device was recognise
adb reboot sideload
adb sideload
Did NOT work
3rd try:
I reinstalled TWRP (+ data wipe), stayed on TWRP
I connect the phone to the PC, was able to see it but not to copy any file
I am sure it is so simple that nobody needs tuto… reason why surrely the e/ documentation mentionning the required version v12.0.3.0… does not say how to upgrade… But I do need help… so if anybody have an explanation or website providing clear explanation he/she will be very welcome
(re)boot device to recovery (Xiaomi, TWRP, LineageOS, /e/OS, OrangeFox, whatever). As you have TWRP (you didn’t mention the version), let’s go with this one!
plug the device to your computer, then issue adb.exe kill-server then adb.exe devices: it should reply with an ID, followed by “recovery”.
– note 1: for some devices and/or TWRP releases, it may take up to 10 minutes for the device to connect and get recognized by the computer
– note 2: if after 2 cups of your favorite beverage the device is still not available, in TWRP go to “Mount” then try to play with MTP button (for one device I have to disable then enable, every time)
2 ways to go from here:
– 1/ easy way (untested by me, but reported to work fine):
— in TWRP home screen, go to “Advanced”, then “ADB Sideload”
— on computer, issue adb sideload
– 2/ safest way (the one I prefer)
— on computer, issue adb push /sdcard. This will transfer the zip file to device internal storage
— in TWP main screen, use “Install”, navigate to /sdcard, select the zip file then confirm by swiping
you can follow the flashing on TWRP, if I remember well it should display “Flashing Normal Firmware …” and “Target: Xiaomi/polaris/polaris:10/QKQ1.190828.002/V12.0.3.0.QDGMIXM:user/release-keys”, then start flashing 16 partitions
reboot to TWRP (recovery), then continue with /e/OS installation as instructed in documentation
For the reference: if source file (.zip, .tgz, whatever) is not in the same directory as adb.exe or fastboot.exe, you can specify full path enclosed in " ".
For example adb sideload "D:\MyFiles\Download\Xiaomi firmwares\".