XMPP for /e/ accounts

I was thinking, what if there was an XMPP that worked with your /e/ email account. For example, Dave1@murena.io or Dave1@e.email XMPP accounts. Also, if it was integrated into the SMS app and would work by default among /e/ users, similar to how iMessage works between iPhone users. I have no idea if this would be an easy project or if this would be a massive headache to create, I just think it would be cool.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

If I’m not mistaken Above Phone has something like that as part of their Privacy Suite.

All but one of my phones are setup similarly. XMPP (my own instance), phone numbers via JMP.chat (call/text anyone in my contacts when using the Cheogram client - even uses the default dialer).

The phone/dialer part is outside the scope of your post but I think it would be kind of cool to have a Murena XMPP setup.

Currently XMPP clients can’t be used as SMS clients though I hear that’s in the works (Cheogram or clients in general, not sure).
On one of my PinePhone OSes is a client that does both SMS and XMPP so I know it’s possible. Just not yet on Android I think.

Murena wouldn’t even have to run their own server. They could use a host, like Snikket for instance, but with their own domain like I do.

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If you don’t mind me asking, how does the price of jmp.chat compare to a normal mobile price plan after factoring in providing your own data and sometimes paying extra when exceeding the 120 min monthly limit on phone calls?

Sorry but I can’t really answer that. I do not talk on the phone. I never call anyone and no one calls me unless necessary. Throughout the years on my monthly T-Mobile bills there would barely be five minutes of talk. Ten or fifteen minutes would be considered a lot for me.

When I had T-Mobile I was paying a lot per line ($50+ unlimited). On my daily driver and another phone I would lose VoLTE often which meant no calls. There was a period where things seemed quieter than normal, not even scam calls. That’s when I realized what a pain the whole VoLTE thing was.
Dumping that headache and the high prices in lieu of VoIP has worked out great for my usage. Incredibly inexpensive for me.
The phones have data only SIMs, too. Only one phone has normal service (Mint Mobile).

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I get that. I prefer texting to calling, but there’s some people who hate texting and much prefer calling, like older family members. I was just curious, because I have a T-Mobile data-only (plus texting) tablet sim card for $15/month I keep around that fits my phone and was thinking about just using that with jmp.chat. I still may just go to jmp.chat because I like the idea of being able to at least partially host my telephony service.

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The only requirement for JMP is an XMPP account from anywhere but the option of using Snikket hosting during setup is kind of cool.

You’ll be partially hosting your own instance.
You can then later invite/add friends and family to get an XMPP account through your instance. Call and text them via XMPP (free) as opposed to using their phone number (not free).
Assuming you can get them to install a client like Conversations, Snikket, or Cheogram. :grin:

I’ve only ever invited myself as a test. :grimacing:

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It would be fantastic to be able to use XMPP between any XMPP addresses, similar to email. That way we could finally beat the Whatsapp dominance.

It is so annoying that messengers like WA, Telegram etc. made XMPP a closed system by hiding the addresses, when it is technically not necessary.

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I believe, back in the day, that you could use an XMPP account to message people on WhatsApp, FB Messenger and Google Hangouts, but then they all closed off their messengers.

I self host an ejabberd account and have been able to get a few family members to use XMPP. But, I’m pretty sure that they only use XMPP when talking to me lol


LOL. The only users on my XMPP instance is Me, Myself, and I.
I recently setup someone’s Pixel with Ubuntu Touch and hoping I can get him to join it. Also trying to introduce him to the Fediverse.

BTW, doesn’t Murena support Nextcloud Talk?

I know Murena has their own Nextcloud server that can be self hosted but I’m not sure how that would integrate with Nextcloud Talk. I really like Ubuntu Touch but the broadband issues for american mobile services makes it difficult to be a daily driver.

Do you have both snikkett and nextcloud running on the same server?

The Snikket instance is handled by the Snikket people but using my domain.

I do not have a Nextcloud instance. That has always been on my to-do list. :smirk:

Because xmpp is open and flexible like email. Take the software you like and the client you like and all is good. Thats however not how it should be. And also the email is under pressure. They also fight against this technique with MS Teams for instance. Crazy. Although the whole world seems to have only one provider which is gmail.also crazy.

I disagree here.
Why we are using xmpp? Because no surveillance. If xmpp was so big as WA, what do you think will happen? the big ones watching us and unterstand that uncontrolled messagjng is now the new standard forever?
Its not too bad that xmpp exists but small and in the shadow i would say. As long as it is not a competitor system they will let us live.
However i wonder if xmpp is really so safe. I heard the drug dealers used crypto chat or so,i dont remember the name. So even though the encrypto chat was closed by the police the drig dealers used this and not xmpp…

It is true, all my friends only write me with xmpp. But that’s normal if the marketing comes from private people rather than by the media saying that WA, telegram, signal, you name it, is the new and best messenger. They make it popular within the first few days and weeks and then the messenger is born.

What i saw with my contacts, they need a clear strategy for installing. My contact list is full. It is the way you explain it. My way is direct honesty: whatsapp is using my data and scans it. i want that our conversation stays between us and is kept private. Normally the people understand that. Then comes the installation. I tell them download conversations app from fdroid or if you wanna pay from play store. It makes no sense to tell them at that point the chance for 300 messengers and so on. Keep it on whatsapp level, which means simple.
Normally i explained how to create an account at a no name server but now i saw that conversations.im is also compliant and the easiest way. Like that they are pretty fast in the system. It is the way you explain it. Not too complex. Not too much surveillance blabla. Not too much technical. Give the links for fdroid and playstore. Everything ready for the meal. Turning on omemo is then the final thing and Voilà…

I don’t think it is about surveillance. WA is also an implementation of XMPP. XMPP is simply the protocol that goes from email/SMS to messaging in its modern form. Like email it is designed around individual addresses, which can be on any server.

The trick WA did was to close off these addresses and keep everything on their own servers.

If everyone was using XMPP in its original form you would have an address like your.name@any.xmpp.server similar to email, and any other xmpp server can send/receive messages and calls to/from that address.

Then WA would only be one of many xmpp providers, and you don’t have to be with WA to send messages to people/groups.

So, xmpp is no more ‘safe’ than WA, it’s just not restricted to WA’s servers.

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thank you for the info. good infos.
on WA side i am still sure it is closed and all datas are treated on their servers due to surveillance. 19 billion Dollar you do not pay (plus monthly server costs and programmer costs) just for being nice to the users.
however to have a secure communication which noone can read except the receipants i have to think about another solution. maybe i should give briar another chance. less comfort but safe.

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