Opening direct orders for /e/ smartphones
After one month of testing and offering orders to pre-registered customers, we are pleased to open orders for all!
No more need to wait, visit this page and order now! We are receiving fresh stock on a weekly basis.
We are currently shipping directly to customers based in the European Economic Area (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom)
If you live elsewhere, rest assured we are not forgetting you. We are actively looking especially in the US, Canada, Latin markets and Asia. You can connect with us directly in case you have a business and would like to partner, we’d be happy to see what can be done.
Help us improve /e/, take our satisfaction survey
Your satisfaction and inputs are crucial for us and the long term sustainability of /e/. This will help us keeping on improving the OS, the apps and add new features.
We would be grateful if you would answer our 2nd satisfaction survey here.
It is completely anonymous.
We will share results mid September.
You can be part of something BIG… support /e/!
You can take part in creating history and help us to make it big! Act now and fuel the project growth: to support more smartphones, create a better and faster infrastructure, and launch new projects with personal assistants… You can Act now and join our great /e/ supporters Hall of Fame!
– talk about /e/, relay our news!
– help other people and contribute contents on our websites
– support the project with a small or a big donation and receive stickers, t-shirts, online storage, and even a smartphone in return!
Write the story with us!
Follow us on Twitter and Mastodon: @e_mydata
Subscribe to our Telegram announcement channel to get latest news!
Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online services