Your 2024 journey with /e/OS and Murena (and a V2!)

I really hope V2 can improve picture quality of my Teracube phone but I suspect that the camera hardware will really limit the amount of improvement that’s possible

Any hint on when are you planning to sell it? :wink:

Question: I specified wifi-only (or something like that) during 2.0 setup, can I enable cell going forward?

Thanks to all the devs for great work on 2.0, it’s awesome!

Sure you can, you go to your ‘mobile data’ or ‘simcard’ there should be an option to activate it again

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Thanks for responding, and apologies for dumb question.

There are no dumb questions


Maybe, before selling a new product, it would be wiser to rectify the problems of the Murena 1 and Murena 2…


Sorry, but I have to comment on this since my Forever Fairphone 3+ was gone just a few weeks before. I put it to the local repair shop, but they were not able to do anything. They said a failure on the motherboard, and they do not get information from Fairphone about the layout. Also, they mentioned that spare parts are more than hard to receive after just 2 to 3 years after the end of the lifecycle. So, I am a little bit frustrated about their comments to Fairphone and hopefully they are wrong about…

For the Fairphone 3/3+ this is correct, unfortunately. So Fairphone worked on the legal issues hindering them, so complete schematics for the Fairphone 4 and 5 are available.


As of car units: 2DINS are more than enough
Most modern cars comes preequipped with these tablet-like screens running Android-something.
Many of tyhem blocks (for whatever reason) update, but there are some (esp in cums) that does not.

I own Subaru from 2023 with 8" display its running Android 13 and its fully updateble via OTA.

@GaelDuval and the Murena team, I want to thank you for a great product. I’ve been testing the /e/OS and playing with it since 2019 and I was quite surprised at how stable it was, even in its beta days.

When you released the first stable version, I installed it on my main phone, half expecting to have to roll back to Android, due to bugs, within a month. However, I never had cause to complain.

Except some minor niggly issues in the early versions, /e/OS has been rock-solid and performed beautifully. It has surpassed my expectations on both functionality, and stability.

I think you have created a great product, and once the easy installer becomes available for most supported phone models, it will be truly a solid alternative, even for non-technical users.


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