OK thanks @mihi and @4nthony indeed i installed the tile and it does the sync (in a weird way that consists in reminding /e/OS that the sync was enabled (it seems to have forgotten it) … by turning sync off, then back on.
The feature I was suggesting was a “synchronize NOW in case it’s not done” button. A bit like the “receive” button in email clients.
And the question asked in the other topic still seems relevant: why doesn’t /e/OS do the synchronization automatically, directly?
But in a way, your answer has already helped me make the operation less complex ! (only 4 gestures instead of 6 … so we can say it’s kind of solved . Thanks !
Is there usually something specific that you need to synchronise?
In some apps you can sync things more easily, e.g. in my calendar it is three dots and then sync all - only two gestures.
For syncing everything more often, you could try going to settings → Accounts → Your murena account name → Account extra settings → Click on your account name again → Settings gear icon top right → change your sync intervals
I have my contacts set to sync every 2 hours, but my calendars every 2 minutes for example
I think placing a “one button sync” onto the murena widget is a good “low cost” idea to solve a common shortcoming. Sure, in an ideal world you wouldn’t need it, but trusting the users judgement seems right?
I checked the backlog if this ever came up. If you file it I’ll vote on it. It’s also a way to use very large sync intervals (24h) and only sync if you feel like something is missing or you know you want something on-device uploaded now.
I’ll +1 this request, and I’m open to workarounds.
Is there a way to turn syncing into a cron job or some approximation that can be run at more frequent intervals?
I always assumed that the longer intervals was to help distribute the traffic, but I would like real-time photo uploads as a possibility.
Admittedly I know I must tread lightly here; I’m perfectly fine with all 2 of the /e/OS phones that sync with my /e/Cloud server running uploads in real-time, or at 10-minute intervals, but I equally understand that such a server load may be prohibitive for the eFoundation servers, and that /e/OS doesn’t seem to have a way to distinguish between the two at this point.
…but having to manually sync, especially photos, is a bit of a pain so a widget or cron solution would be most appreciated =).
Thanks @4nthony for this new lead : adjusting the frequencies in the account manager settings. I had never found it. I was able to set the frequency for tasks, calendar and contacts there. I was surprised to see that everything was set to 15 min by default, whereas in my experience it seemed much longer.
In my case, it was indeed the tasks synchronization that seemed important to speed up. Contacts and calendar are less crucial in my usage.
/E/ and Murena’s concern not to overload server traffic would be fully understandable. For this reason, it seems logical to me that only settings for “light” content (tasks, calendar, contacts) should be configurable in these settings. Photos, which are heavy (and often taken at too wide a resolution for their intended use), should probably not be prioritized if the servers are too busy (just a subjective thought, but I know that usage varies).
→ I was also surprised to find that the NOTES synchronization frequency is not adjustable in the account manager settings (perhaps another topic to be created). That’s another type of content that could be in the settings.