/e/ apps take several hours to receive synchronization from the cloud server

Hello, I notice this behavior with the Tasks app, but noticed it with other apps in the past too. In fact, i experienced it since I use /e/OS even with ancient versions with a Fairphone 2 (I now own a Fairphone 3+). So in this example case, when I access and modify my tasks on my desktop PC (in the browser interface at https://murena.io/apps/tasks ), the “tasks” app on my smartphone take several hours to receive the info and synchronize (with network connection on, of course :wink: ). I would assume when there has been a change via https://murena.io/apps/tasks , as soon as my phone is connected to the network, the murena cloud updates the data in the app as soon as possible. Instead, synchronization is far from immediate, and takes easily several hours, don’t understant why. Thanks

I will copy my answer to this question here in case it helps someone else find it.

Is there usually something specific that you need to synchronise?
In some apps you can sync things more easily, e.g. in my calendar it is three dots and then sync all - only two gestures.
For syncing everything more often, you could try going to settings → Accounts → Your murena account name → Account extra settings → Click on your account name again → Settings gear icon top right → change your sync intervals
I have my contacts set to sync every 2 hours, but my calendars every 2 minutes for example

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