About the Request a Device category

Did not find your device in the list of supported devices from /e/ ?
Please create a new topic with your device name.
The more the users who agree with your suggestion the better the chance of getting your device on the supported list.
Please note requests should be made in the following form:

TITLE Brand Model - Device codename (if known)
ex: Xiaomi Redmi 5 plus - vince

  • Tags should be added to help us classify:
    Device brand (ie: Sony, Samsung, Xiaomi…)
  • All supported Android versions:
    Nougat, Oreo, Pie
    Please add details like
  • on what other ROM is it currently running :
    LineageOS, Havoc, Paranoid Android…
  • is it maintained?
    maintained, not maintained
  • is the current ROM official or unofficial:
    official / unofficial
  • urls on XDA or other forums where the device custom ROM’s are available
  • Add details of any known issues if you are aware of
    In short add as much detail as possible about the device to help us build the ROM and support you better !!!