Add UnifiedPush to /e/OS to make it possible for developers to avoid FCM and better support F-Droid applications

Now I want this even more:


Glad to see UnifiedPush is now being considered for /e/OS, as described (but not named) in the /e/OS 2024 roadmap blog post which shows a screen-shot from a proof-of-concept with a “” icon showing.

Can someone describe or link to the proof-of-concept work that is now being done?

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@julianfoad don’t know what endpoint/transport ntfy in the screenshot uses. UnifiedPocReceiver should be a demo app consuming events received via ntfy.

It’s not necessarily UnifiedPush alone that is moving the ecosystem, WebPush is another element. You also need appservers [1] support to create the events to be published to push servers. If you read [2] you’ll see implementers also need clarification on unified-/webpush before writing their spec. Ideally (as @helicase alluded to) things end up at a message mechanism with e2ee. Webpush has it, Unifiedpush by virtue of supporting Webpush.

My guess is /e/ will host a transport server and incorporate its use once their core ecosystem arrived at that support. Why should they sooner if the default apps cannot make use of a push messaging system.

Hopefully it would avoid having to install a separate app to make push notifications work on

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/e/OS v2.5 was released November 12, 2024 is now supporting UnifiedPush :partying_face:

Thank you /e/OS Team! :handshake:


Does that mean if a app has unifiedpush support I can install it and it works out of the box? For example Molly has it

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I have not tried it yet, but I would assume that this is how it will work. It is a new feature and will need some time to mature, but I think it is great news and we’ll see how many applications will actually make use of this new option

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You most likely will still see these connections as every app would need to adapt their push notification implementations and big players will probably never adapt. Still a very good first step in a brighter future :slightly_smiling_face:

I am also not sure if the domain you posted is for Google’s push notifications…

Not so much for the moment :

Very much true, but they also state:

This is a non-exhaustive list of the first few end-user applications that use UnifiedPush.

UnifiedPush is quite overwhelming for users and that is probably the main reason for its limited usage, I wrote a bit more about it here. This is a first step and will open doors for more developers to work with UnifiedPush, especially FOSS devs :+1:

Did anyone successfuly used this UnifiedPush?

I’ve tried to use it with FindMyDevice, which I already had on my FP5. I’m also self-hosting a FMD server.

Both the app on my phone and the server seem to detect the UnifiedPush (because they don’t complain any more about missing UnifiedPush).
But, when I try to push a command from the server (like geolocation), it says that the command is sent, but nothing happens on the phone, and no geolocation data appears on the server.

@mossroy First enable it in phone’s Settings (scroll to the end) → UnifiedPush → enable. You can test any UP configuration with UP-Example app: press [Register] then [Test] and a test notification should arrive immediately. That works for me.


what phone model are You talking about?

I am asking because there may be device-specific issues: Feedback for v2.5 - #68 by obacht

OnePlus 6 (enchilada)

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Thanks, it’s now working: I did not know it needed to be enabled in the System settings

I wrote a blog piece about this, in some detail: Going Google-Free with UnifiedPush in /e/OS


Am I right that this only works with ntfy at the moment? I thought I might use my nextcloud instance with nextpush installed, but I can’t find where to change push server. In the system settings I can only toggle UP on and off and when I try UP-example it uses ntfy by default and there doesn’t seem to be an option to change this.

Yes, a fork of ntfy is integrated in the OS as a system-app but @julianfoad describes in his blog post how to access hidden ntfy app-settings via adb