Alternative update method

Hi, in my RedmiNote 7 the settings app won’t open so I can’t check and install updates.
Is it safe and correct to download the new version of the Rom and update from the official recovery?
Or is the update file a different one?
Thank you

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Thank you!
Unfortunately, as I wrote above, the settings app doesn’t work so even collecting all the details of my phone is not possible.
I think, I rightly hope, that a manual update will solve this problem, but if there is another method to restore the settings app it would be much better.

(I already tried clearing the cache via TWRP)

Have a great day!

I guess it really depends if your device needs an update or say an Ugrade of Android version from Q → R.

In deciding, is this the install page for your device?

Of the downloads available here do you recognise what you were / are running?

If confident of those answers, one could either refresh the existing build or update fairly safely as long as no change of Android version is involved.

Pick up the install instructions at

Install /e/OS

and follow the guide in order to

adb sideload

In the case of any intervention, ensure all essentials are backed up.

I am pretty sure that either e1-1.18-r or e1-1.19-r is installed.
I am very sure the Android version was 11, if I’m not mistaken the Q should be Android 10?

To be safe, I was thinking of doing an update via Official Recovery with the SD.
Does the recovery possibly warn me if the file is not suitable?

Thank you very much again!

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Recovery might complain if you downgrade in any way, so from what you say e-1.19.1 would be favourite.

You might get a message that the ROM could not be verified … but then many users see that from time to time and there is not actual problem! Installing from SD card is a nice way to do this in general.

Yes, Q is Android 10.

Very well thank you very much indeed!

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