Android architecture vs /e/ architecture

Hello everyone

I would like to know what are the layer/element of an android OS and which layer/element have been replaced in /e/ Os, I write my Bachelor Thesis about /e/ OS and I would like to have more information.


Hi @asml55 Are you aware of this newly updated page?

Thank you, @aibd, yes I have already read it, but now I need some things with more details.

Bearing in mind that /e/ is a fork of LineageOS, maybe some of the citations on their wiki page will give more clues?


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As far as I can tell, /e/ is a Lineage OS with custom system apps: microG to replace GMS, DAVx already integrated, K-9, some Nextcloud apps and a specifically curated app store.
That means it seems to differ from Lineage OS only at the application layer.

Whereas Lineage OS differs from AOSP in many other layers to support the various hardware, and barely adds interesting apps to it (you’re on your own setting it up).

And AOSP differs from Google’s Android by removing everything that would be specific to Google, including the nice juicy features that would make you buy a Google-enabled (aka GMS) phone. It is the minimum to enable competition.

If you add up these differences, that’s quite a lot between /e/ and a GMS Android.

For a bachelor thesis, my preferred topics would be about:

  • how Google Services interfaces were designed in a way that it enables being replaced by microG. And dig deeper and show whether they really did their homework well (I believe they did, and there’s a lot to learn).
  • how Android is made so that Google Services are totally removable. Are there traces showing in AOSP showing that Google’s Android cannot exactly be built on top of AOSP? Do they have some secret sauce that would allow them to bring features no competitor could?
  • what is the process for integrating new hardware in LineageOS? What is the lifecycle of the drivers they use? Who brings them to LineageOS and how are they shared to the different ports?
  • how /e/ release process and business model can keep up with the pace of development? What are the nice tricks e Foundation has to ensure maximal support with minimal effort?

What’s your topic about?

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On which points do you need more detail than what is given in the white paper PDF linked to on ?

Hallo, ich möchte bitte genauer wissen, aus welchen Modulen besteht die /e/ BS.
Hier ist die Fragestellung von meinem Betreuer.

  • Bitte beschreiben Sie mehr im Detail mit einem Diagramm, wie
    der Aufbau von Android ist, und welche Elemente/Layer in
    /e/os ersetzt werden.

  • Beschreiben Sie auch den Weg von Android ĂĽber CyanogenMod
    und LineageOS zu /e/os,

  • Beschreiben Sie die Module von /e/os genauer (z.B. microG)

Ich wäre sehr dankbar. wenn du mir weiter helfen kannst.

I will not do your homework for you :wink: .
Here’s how I read what your “Betreuer” wants you to do:

  • Your first point: Simple internet search and connecting some dots to /e/ (because finding the diagram is hardly a task, takes just a few seconds).
  • Your second point: Simple Wikipedia and /e/ website reading and summarising.
  • Your third point: If the info on the /e/ website and the white paper don’t help with this, your task is to contact the e foundation for this or use the available info to make some text up which sounds legitimate.