In my view there are many factors which disrupt App Lounge which itself has to access Play store and other sources in a timely way … but I think this fits in the broadest sense with
… where partial includes the idea … is all the required data being harvested quickly and together while the back door to Play Store is still open.
Can you possibly find out whether your Wi-Fi / ISP goes through some extra layer ?
I have this NA problem from time to time. There was the fix applied (mentioned in my links above) which for me made App Lounge usable again.
This is by no means an Expert solution just personal experience … however despite the fix NA still recurs infrequently. In my case I have observed for years that if on launching App Lounge the “animated blank screen” lasts more than a few moments there will likely be problems. This itself I associate with some “network issue” whether at my end or elsewhere I don’t know. For me the NA issue seems most likely associated with an extended “animated blank screen”. Hence for me “Try again later”.
That link does not work for me (and the privacy field in App Lounge is always a spinny animation) on my home wifi. It does work if I disable wifi, and so does the privacy field in App Lounge.
That’s interesting.
Do you have any idea why I get connection refused from that server on my wifi?
either exodus blocks your origin networks ( + or something in between. If so, it’s mostly due to having seen what it deems abuse from the network. Check with an traceroute and/or “mtr” alike tool if packets get dropped in between
another theory - it’s aggressive ratelimiting (no http 429 returned, just tcp reset). As in check 24h later without opening Applounge from that network
If it doesn’t work on another device on the same wifi is not eos.
Check router /modem you have or even your internet provider could be blocking it.
Which country if you don’t mind sharing?