App Lounge only showing OSS apps

Hi all,

I just bought myself a fairphone V5 with e/OS. Data:

  • e/OS/2.5-t-20241108446629-official-FP5
  • Android 13

I haven’t been able to install any apps, as the App Lounge doesn’t seem to be working properly:

  • it does show OSS apps, but very few
  • when I log in anonymously it shows a flashing screen (which I presume is a loader), before referring me to a FAQ in case of trouble.
  • when I log in with Google, it shows me the same flashing screen, but it never shows the notice about trouble.

So outside of a very few OSS apps i can’t see anything.

Steps i tried but which didn’t work:

  • the steps from the FAQ (going to the settings for the app & clearing storage, then waiting & trying again).
  • something I found on the forums: after clearing storage reboot and try again.
  • just plain power off and on (go go gadget IT crowd).

Any ideas as to how to solve this? So far the OS seems to work great, save for that.

I did find this thread, but given the warning I see this as a last resort: [HOWTO] Download every app in the Google Play Store thanks to Aurora Store

Update your App Lounge by downloading applounge official.apk from the official /e/OS website. Make sure you are connected to a wifi network.

If this steps don’t work, download your apps from APK Mirror. When AppLounge will work again, you could update your APK Mirror apps in AppLounge.

Update to the latest /e/OS v2.6.3 and you will get the latest version of App Lounge (v2.11.0).
Then try again.

I did this and now have the latest version and 2.11 for the App Lounge, but still no dice.

I installed the latest android 14 from scratch last night and the app lounge is working fine for me. Perhaps there is an app setting that restricts seeing certain apps i.e. non-foss.

Turns out i needed to allow the App Lounge as an app to install apps with. Under Settings > Apps > Special App access > Install unknown apps

Once i did that, cleared the storage and logged in again it worked :slight_smile:

The above only worked for anonymous login, not for login with a google account (which i need to buy a paid app). :thinking:

Do you use some sort of VPN or Firewall to block internet traffic??

I installed Mozilla VPN but I only use it when connecting to public networks i don’t trust (as in airport). I haven’t had it on for my phone yet.

OK, and what about Advaced Privacy, do you use that?

I do, it came preinstalled.

So far only App trackers are denied though. The permission manager of that doesn’t show anything about payment.

I just tried disabling tracker blocking, but that didn’t work.

I also tried disabling it for the app lounge & then logging in with google, but still no visible apps.

last but not least: i notice payment inside apps doesn’t work either, which means i can’t buy traintickets from the NMBS app, which might be related.

I found in the settings > microG settings > Play Store Services that Google Play Billing at the moment is experimental and may lead to loss of money. It also adds I’ve been warned, which categorically is not the case if this is hidden in the settings and not mentioned on the site or during installation :roll_eyes:

So far i’ve found no alternatives to buy paid apps, which is kinda crap. e/os works fine otherways, but if I can’t pay either inapp or for apps that severely limits the usefulness and should be a major disclaimer.