Applications in /e/ "app store"

More of a curiosity question, do mobile banking apps pose a technical hurdle, or is it more of a licensing / philosophical problem?

Regarding web apps, they should be pretty suitable for the /e/ philosophy, right? In some rare occasions I do need google maps, for that I have the pwa, am I naive in thinking that should be “trackerless” (unless it is currently being used of course)?

Most third party Android application repositories include few or no bank applications, which means that probably banks to want their apps to be available outside from official app stores.
Yalp and Aurora access directly google play store, which explains why they are available there.
Web apps are probably the way to go, for sure!

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Sure, but what about apps that are available neither in F-Droid nor in Google Play?

Gaël, thanks for tour help
I found thé app crédit mutuel on this store :

Thé package name ils thé good one
May I trust this source ?
How to be sûre it ils not a fake app ?


Wise concern! I’m waiting @GaelDuval’s answer too!

Be careful with alternative stores… In case of doubt, some users prefer to use Yalp or Aurora store.


We are thinking about this, nothing ready yet

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Hi Gael

Ok, I learn from you

I succeeded today using AURORA, connected as a non identified account (no need of a google account), and got all my current french apps : crédit mutuel, lyf pay, doctolib, ipsec,…

Thank you Gaël

Pour ceux qui cherchent en français :sweat_drops: le sujet est
" J’ai obtenu via le magasin d’applications AURORA, en mode connecté sans identification (donc sans compte google), les applications que je n’avais pas trouvées dans le app store E, notamment les apps des banques françaises"

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Thanks for the answer!
Again, really appreciate everything you and the team are doing and have achieved so far. Also kudos for taking the time to reply to community questions!

What dies it mean if APP Store says " APP currently unavailable. Please try again later"

Hello Sigmun,
I would say, definitely YALP STORE. YOu just have to install the apps on you /e/ mobile and create a “fake” google account or use an existing one if you still have one! I have been able to find all the apps I was missing…
A big thanks to Gael and his team for this bit of info and of course for /e/!

com.vivaldi.browser although it is in Beta

T-Mobile Visual Voicemail com.tmobile.vvm.application

Good morning team /e/ , I need es.bancosantander.apps and for the moment, great job Team.

Hi @tomas you can suggest an app to be added from inside the application as well …Apps >> Settings >> Request app
Usually it should take 2 -3 days to show up after being requested.


Thanks Manoj, adding it tells me that the app exists or has been requested, it will mean that it is already in process, if this week I can present the s7 to an informative medium and go preparing the article, the review and as I do not expect to let us show it next to the ecosystem / e / at, greetings.