Battery discharging while plugged in

I am running the latest stable version on my 2e and if I leave the charger on overnight the battery will start discharging after it reaches 100%. It sometimes also never reaches 100% if the battery is above 90% and I charge it such as when I take it off the charger in the house and connect it in my car when I leave. Usually, I let it discharge to the 50% range and charge it again and it doesn’t have an issue. After searching here and the Teracube forums, I couldn’t find any other posts that specifically detail this issue. Please assist, and thank you in advance.

edit: I installed 1.18 today and will check to see if the issue persists.

1.18 did not fix the issue. It starts declining within 10 minutes of reaching full. It seems like a battery percentage calculation error in the OS, or a problem with the charging circuitry or battery chemistry. Can anyone else confirm this is happening? Perhaps on other devices?

It looks like this is a device issue. I would also suspect the charging circuit is not handling 2A chargers very well. I will follow up with Teracube since they already said they would replace the unit.

After further testing, it seems the stable /e/ ROM may have issues calculating the charge of the battery. I reverted to the factory ROM and this behavior does not occur. I emailed the Murena helpdesk since this did not get any replies and they are a technology partner with Teracube.

The following issue was created for this:

I have been running 1.21.1 for some time, and I just noticed a similar problem. I haven’t observed the charge reaching 100% then reducing, but I charge mostly while I sleep. I have seen the charge reach 95% or 94% and stay there for hours while supposedly charging.

I also have the impression that I am discharging more rapidly than before while not plugged in to the charger, but there are so many variables in my usage that I can’t be sure.

I’d recommend a reboot of the phone. I do see that from time to time and there is an upstream issue with battery usage and its affect on charging. Google is supposed to fix it in Android 14.

My other issue is that I will disconnect my charger and it will continue to say “Charged” at the bottom, and I have to hit the power button or some other manual interaction with the phone to get it to respond that the charger was disconnected and make the disconnection sound.

I see random behavior. Some nights (recharging with power off) I reach 100%, some nights a few % less. I suspect that the reporting of charge level is flakey, but I have no clear evidence to diagnose the problem.

It seems to occur less frequently with /e/ 2.0. I have yet to see what it does on /e/ 2.1. So far, it has been charging correctly and in a reasonable time.

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