I use the Nova launcher but regularly get an error message saying the Bliss launcher has crashed. This often happens after a screen rotate, (I think), and happens a lot when I use the Camera, which also freezes for a few seconds before the Bliss error message pops up.
Annoying. Can I remove the Bliss launcher entirely and, if not, how to stop these error messages?
I confirm that. I had that too on 2.5. There was a message box telling me BlissLauncher crashed, yes, and it was also Camera related in my case: after closing my Camera app the screen became completely black and the message box came. But I don’t use Bliss at all. Not a good feeling to get told that at least a part of it still runs somehow in background.
It’s quite random. Mostly with camera but also browser, (DDGo), and less so with other apps. I get it pretty much every day. I also had it on my previous phone, (Samsung S9), so I suspect it’s a clash with something I installed on both, maybe Nova. What launcher are/were you using?
I already cleared storage and cache for both BL and Bliss Weather and set Nova as default launcher. I guess I could reluctantly try another launcher and see what happens but I’ve been using Nova for at least 5 years so I’m not so enthusiastic about that. At the moment this is not a showstopper, just really quite annoying!
I have this. I’ve always a 99% configured (one or two app icons missing) Lawnchair 3 ready to hand for such questionable cases (at least when they are reproducible) …
(But I didn’t check this case with Launchair 3 because it just doesn’t happen. And when it happens I have no Launchair. Damned.)
I noticed this morning that something briefly tapped into my location and found it to be Bliss Weather. I revoked the permission and also the network settings which allowed access. Then I had a look at BL and did the same plus cleared cache and storage again. Then I went back to BW and guess what, location access was back on.
I’ll have another look later but is it possible that by clearing cache/storage in BL the default settings, including location permission for BW, are renabled?
This is all speculative and I don’t know that location access is even the culprit but it is interesting to note how deeply BL is embedded in the system.
I have the same problem. Message Bliss Launcher crashed. It happens when rotate screen is disabled and I try to close a full screen app like camera, a game, netflix, or other. The launcher has to change orientation and apparently that is still done by Bliss, not Lawnchair which I am running.
I thought it was too do with screen rotation but didn’t make the link to full screen apps that require landscape, and therefore rotation. Do BL users (who haven’t switched launcher) have crashes on full screen rotation? If not, does that mean that the new launcher, (lawnchair, nova etc.), and BL are competing to perform the same action?
I’ll add my me too here!
Over here I posted my problem seems very much NewPipe or/and web video, but yes it very often happened, when rotating or exiting full screen mode: