Calendar notifications by email not working

I never get email notifications from the calendar (Etar.)
The Etar settings shows the proper address, but when I configure an event to send an email notification, I never receive one. The notifications on the phone work fine.
Is this working for other people? Any suggestions? Thanks.

Perhaps it is related to this notification I sometimes see:

When I tap on that notification, it takes me to this under the phone account settings, which I don’t know what to do with:

OnePlus One
/e/ 0.6-2019053111832
Etar 1.0.15

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In order to solve the “Account Manager permissions”-notification, follow the instructions in this topic: Problems with Account Manager after Update 0.6-2019053111832

I never used email-notifications, so unfortunately I can’t help you with that problem.

That seemed to fix the “Account Manager permissions”-notification.
Thank you!
Email notifications still do not work.