Can't read mails anymore

And it does not work again…
Didn’t change anything!

Glad I decided to install og k9 as well so at least I do have a workaround.

could be related to advanced-privacy fake IP
(try to unselect the Mail App from the advanced-privacy list)

i personnaly been banned by my Mail-provider, i had to unlock the account in their web interface.

Same experience as @CaseSensitive with mail-App on FP4 after upgrade to e/os 1.18.
Original K9 on the same device works flawlessly.
@piero s hint did not help unfortunately.

My stock Mail app (I don’t use it normally) does work as it did before also on 1.18 on my FP3. I can receive (I have IMAP servers only), I can read the message bodies, I can send. But in my case Advanced Privacy is off.

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I can’t read my mails anymore too with the Murena FP3, this is bad.

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Interestingly, I could restore the mail app functionality by clearing the app storage and cache (as mentioned in this thread) and adding the mail accounts back manually, i.e., without a using a mail settings backup. (I did not lose any mails in the process because they are kept on the mail servers in my configuration.)
Still, this is just a workaround for a problem that I hope will be fixed by the /e/OS developers. In fact, another user has already opened a bug report here (issue #7624).

Note that Advanced Privacy - tracker protection is active on my device, but hide my ip is inactive (probably similar to @irrlicht’s configuration).

EDIT: The problem has reapparead after a couple of days, reason unknown! See my comment below.

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Good to know ! Anyway you’ve lost me at “clearing the app storage” because my head is already full right now. I am gonna use a computer until it is working.


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Interesting. This means that the app in it’s current version can’t read configuration data from the older version, at last under some conditions. Not good at all. Of course this export/import action does also not work when the basic data are not good.

Versioning is often a source of problems. It can take years until developers finally understand the need of concrete version numbers of their own code after making changes and until they introduce proper transformation algorithms wherever they are needed, especially in the own data files and in all interfaces and protocols to the outside world. You don’t learn this at school, you always learn this by pain (and related to the pain the user is often involved).

When you have a configuration that works now you should make an export file again and put it on a safe place to have one for the next time.

I used the settings backup with regular k9 mail from f droid and disabled og mail app. Works.

Idk but as already said, that mail version has beta status. Maybe don’t use beta status software in e.

Then maybe don’t use /e/OS at all according to - F.A.Q - question “Is /e/OS stable?” :wink: .

(Hint: It currently says “we’re in beta stage at the moment”.)

Yeah OK. I guess yur right. =D

But I have to say e didn’t feel like beta software for me for a long time so I forgot I guess

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Isn’t it stable since v1 ?

My take would be that software nowadays can never be considered stable in the sense of the word outside of heavily regulated areas in this regard like e.g. aviation.

Apart from that, “stable” is a label you can slap on software things as you see fit.
And v1.0 is such a label, too. Did anything change fundamentally on the user front with /e/OS 1.0 regarding glitches, bugs and the like?

These labels serve as a kind of internal tags on one side, distinguishing one thing from the other in development, as well as on the other side they might be used for marketing or communication purposes.

Don’t take any functionality for granted, have a plan B for important use cases, and back up your important data often :wink: .


Strangely, the e-mail problem has reapparead after a couple of days, reason unknown! Even resetting the mail app is therefore only a temporary solution. I hope that the problem will be fixed in the next update. As a workaround, I still have K9 installed, which works as expected. (So there’s hope that the mail app will be fixed because it is based on K9 :wink: :slight_smile: )

EDIT: Well, I sent an e-mail for the first time after resetting the app, maybe this caused the problem? I don’t know.

Forget the Mail app. Use something else [1]. I did that two years ago when I noticed that the stock Mail app didn’t reconnect to the servers after flight mode and remained hanging in a zombie state until you noticed the mysterious quietness and had a look at it. (Meanwhile this bug seems to be solved.)

[1] Use the original K-9 or, if you want to make a step, Fairemail which is a very solid piece of software. I never had any problem with it since then.

Same situation impossible to read emails on same device (FFP4)
No solution yet…
I use k9mail for other purpose and dont want tomix my emails pro and perso

But you can have as many mail accounts as you want in a mail app. There’s no need to have more than this one mail app. And there’s still no mix at all, the servers will keep the received and sent mails very well. But this mail app should work then reliably.

Yes I hnow well I can do that thanks. Would you please let me organize my data as want ?
You seems to take all questions as an attack agains the project ! It’s not the point.
The fact is that there is a major bug on a major app it just has to be fixed.
Our community goal is that we can recommand eOS for any user as soon as possible, isn’t it ?
With such update issues it’s simply not even possible. With 700 Euros Phone it’s a pity (not in my case hopefully)
I do really like eOS I use it on my personnal and professionnal phones and I want them to work always better

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No, not at all. Read what I wrote. I use the project and am happy it exists.

Yes, would be good. But in the last more than two years fixing bugs in forked apps has never been the most important thing here. I made several cases, about ten, a single one of them has been fixed, and not by repair but by reforking. Most of the others have been closed meanwhile “because of inactivity”.

My solution of these problems would be to remove these forked apps generally. There’s no need for them at all. Instead there should be a proper website which lists (and suggests) free, well known and well working apps for the basic categories (internet browser, mail client, calendar, messaging, navigation, multimedia, privacy). These forks have several evil disadvantages: they tend to be outdated, they bind people (I mean developers, testers, support) onto tasks they probably don’t understand in every aspect, and the benefit for the user is indeed absolutely zero.


OK as you explained it I understand your position yet. Thank you ! It’s more a debate with the project’s leaders I guess. I still believe that normal users simply expect the default app working well… It’s confusing when you receive a mobile device with preinstalled app you’d rather not use !

About the further back described issue, it’s suddenly working great again after a shutdown and restart (reboot did’nt fix) mail app on FP4