Changelog or tracking changes?

What is the best way to track changes to the nightly packages? Is there a changelog or a feed for updates to gitlab? I was able to figure out how to star specific projects and be able to watch activity here:

Is there a better way?

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@Tycho changes logs are available on the device download page on the website for e.g. for tissot you can check here

The above link no longer works. Has this changed, I would like to track the change log.

Thanks for pointing that out @television . Have updated the link.

@Manoj I have replaced tissot with fp3 but that didn’t pan out.

  1. What is the link for FP3+ ? on my FP3+ device, choosing “System -> Updater -> … -> Show Changelog” will lead to a non-working URL (

  2. Since “” is not listable, is there any ChangeLog page for other devices?

I think the change log link is broken…a bug to fix it is still open . You can add your comments to that thread.