Checking progress from Google store to /e/ Apps

Is there a way to check the status of an App requested from the Google Play store? I think that I requested one at the beginning of March, but I didn’t see any confirmation, and I don’t see it in the /e/ App listing yet. I followed a “Check App Availability” link in the /e/ Foundation site to /e/OS Application Checker - e Foundation - deGoogled unGoogled smartphone operating systems and online services - your data is your data, but that page doesn’t appear to offer any actual information. I would prefer to look up the status before nagging the support email.

Now I think I understand the /e/OS Application Checker - e Foundation - deGoogled unGoogled smartphone operating systems and online services - your data is your data page. The term “Filter” on the search window confused me, and when I entered a search term I saw no response. Apparently no response means that there was no match (a better user interface would say “Nothing found” explicitly). I entered a search term that I knew should succeed, and saw the expected positive results. Aside from a slightly confusing presentation, this Web page appears to provide exactly the same results as the /e/ Apps app on my phone.

It would be very helpful if both of these search methods would indicate whether something has been requested. And tremendously helpful if it could tell the progress of a request. Even denial of a request is very useful to know, because it indicates that I should look elsewhere for the function that I am seeking.