Continuing the discussion from: Is there a "shazam" open source?

Continuing the discussion from Is there a "shazam" open source?:

I just read something about this one: GitHub - KieronQuinn/AmbientMusicMod: Port of Now Playing from Pixels to other Android devices

Apparently it can do the recognition on device. Seems to need a bit of setting it up, but seems interesting. (Even if Google is involved, as this App is a port of Google’s “Now Playing” feature.)

interesting the “freed” Now Playing App will use a local model with 16k-40k songs for matching unless enabled to go online.

I’ve found there’s no opensource App to do recognition with a common/community service (or a local model for that). MusicBrainz probably comes close, but its AcousticID relies on a longer sample, fingerprinting from the start of the track for 120 seconds. It wouldn’t work on random 8 sec sample.

Two opensource apps use commercial networked services:

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