have build a Q-eOS rom for S7 with the alpha sources from eOS.
The build is untested. So use on own risk.
It is really a custom build, because I have made some changes in bootanimation, background, launcher and I have removed all goolag calls which are still in the alpha sources.
It’s interesting to notice that it is Q alpha, which is android 10, while android 11 was officially released two days ago. So getting e working takes the time of - more or less - one android version release.
The official eOS e-0.11-o-2020082870470-dev-hero2lte continues to bob along. It would be great of you, Sir @harvey186, if you could updated a new version including MicroG feature (Exposure Notification) in a free minute - like this => [GSI] Q-GSI - new version October 17th. The S7 ‘herolte’ is appreciated by a larger user community - even if you are not a real friend of Galaxy’s ;~]
Yeah, it’s okay. Unfortunately the S7 is officially not Treble Project compatible. But I will try to find an unofficial way to make the partitions Treble GSI ready.