/e/ on Samsung Galaxy A3 (2016 Exynos) SM-A310F “a3xeltexx”

Bonjour à tous…
Super nouvelle, félicitations pour votre travail!!!
Hâte de voir cette version sans bug et profiter pleinement de /e/…

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Hello Everybody, the unofficial version is working now for three days on my A3 without any bugs. So for my opinion it also did pass the long term test.


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Thanky you for feedback, @macmad64 and @BlackTulip


Cela faisait trop longtemps que je voulais essayer /e/ je gardé ce téléphone justement pour cela, alors oui j’espère que vous continuerez à assuré les corrections dans la prochaine version et que le A3 restera pris en charge.
Merci encore pour votre travail


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Hello Guys, was happy to see, downloaded and installed the e-0.11-o-2020082870470-dev-a3xeltexx for the Samsung A3, but the WLAN/GPS-bug is still insdie. There is no other way than going back to the test version e-0.9-p-2020071062214-test-a3xelte, isn´t it?


hee @BlackTulip, i think so, although not sure. I’ve been running the test build for a while now, and if you flash the latest test build, it will get OTA updates, so it’s really more a dev build than a test build at this stage imo

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The last update for the “test” build was dated 20200813 and is the only one I believe since the first build for the Pie version was offered. Is there any news of a transition to a “dev” version with a Pie build? It’s been over three months now with no news. Also it would be nice to know if this transition can be done via OTA or would a dirty flash be enough so avoiding a full wipe of data?

I cannot find some test build anymore :frowning:
I am affected by the WLAN boot-loop in Oreo. Where you have the test build(s) downloaded? And is the FM radio function already integrated?
Thank you for all your efforts!

Ok, I have found it here: [Device Roadmap] Android 9 (Pie) & 10 (Q) : Test builds to upgrade currently supported devices

Sorry for my blindness…

Hi there,

I just updated my Galaxy A3 (2016) to /e/ 1.0 (Android 10), advanced privacy is a very good thing. Thanks for your great work. I’m not experiencing the WLAN bug, but still missing the hardware radio app much. Would be great, if you could add it soon.

Yes, the lack of the FM radio is a source of annoyance.
Now three versions we have installed (Oreo, Pie & Q) and no FM function :frowning: Too bad!
Paradoxically is the radio partition contained in the standard partitions of the phone :thinking:
But the WLAN bug we had with 8 (Oreo) is gone. That was a great step forward.

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I would be interested to know if a3xelte has working FM in any other ROM?

From this partition search, perhaps not. Is a dedicated partition is required?

$ adb shell
a3xeltexx:/ $ df -a *
df: 'bugreports': No such file or directory
df: 'charger': Permission denied
df: 'cpefs': Permission denied
df: 'default.prop': Permission denied
df: 'efs': Permission denied
df: 'fstab.samsungexynos7580': Permission denied
df: 'init': Permission denied
df: 'init.baseband.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.environ.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.power.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.recovery.samsungexynos7580.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.samsung.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.samsungexynos7580.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.samsungexynos7580.usb.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.target.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.usb.configfs.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.usb.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.wifi.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.zygote32.rc': Permission denied
df: 'product_services': No such file or directory
df: 'ueventd.rc': Permission denied
df: 'ueventd.samsungexynos7580.rc': Permission denied
df: 'vendor_service_contexts': Permission denied
Filesystem            1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
none                          0       0         0   0% /acct
tmpfs                    696500       0    696500   0% /apex
/dev/block/mmcblk0p20   3023760 1824172   1199588  61% /apex/com.android.resolvdf: 'bugreports': No such file or directory
/dev/block/mmcblk0p21    197472    1064    196408   1% /cache
df: 'charger': Permission denied
none                          0       0         0   0% /config
df: 'cpefs': Permission denied
/sys/kernel/debug             0       0         0   0% /sys/kernel/debug
/dev/block/mmcblk0p23  11234252 3724468   7509784  34% /data
/dev/block/mmcblk0p20   3023760 1824172   1199588  61% /apex/com.android.resolv
df: 'default.prop': Permission denied
tmpfs                    696500     524    695976   1% /dev
df: 'efs': Permission denied
/dev/block/mmcblk0p20   3023760 1824172   1199588  61% /apex/com.android.resolv
df: 'fstab.samsungexynos7580': Permission denied
df: 'init': Permission denied
df: 'init.baseband.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.environ.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.power.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.recovery.samsungexynos7580.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.samsung.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.samsungexynos7580.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.samsungexynos7580.usb.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.target.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.usb.configfs.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.usb.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.wifi.rc': Permission denied
df: 'init.zygote32.rc': Permission denied
/dev/block/mmcblk0p20   3023760 1824172   1199588  61% /apex/com.android.resolv
tmpfs                    696500       0    696500   0% /storage
/dev/block/mmcblk0p20   3023760 1824172   1199588  61% /apex/com.android.resolv
/dev/block/mmcblk0p20   3023760 1824172   1199588  61% /apex/com.android.resolv
proc                          0       0         0   0% /proc
/dev/block/mmcblk0p20   3023760 1824172   1199588  61% /apex/com.android.resolv
df: 'product_services': No such file or directory
/dev/block/mmcblk0p20   3023760 1824172   1199588  61% /apex/com.android.resolv
/dev/block/mmcblk0p20   3023760 1824172   1199588  61% /apex/com.android.resolv
/data/media            11234252 3724468   7509784  34% /storage/emulated
/dev/block/mmcblk0p20   3023760 1824172   1199588  61% /apex/com.android.resolv
tmpfs                    696500       0    696500   0% /storage
sysfs                         0       0         0   0% /sys
/dev/block/mmcblk0p20   3023760 1824172   1199588  61% /apex/com.android.resolv
df: 'ueventd.rc': Permission denied
df: 'ueventd.samsungexynos7580.rc': Permission denied
/dev/block/mmcblk0p20   3023760 1824172   1199588  61% /apex/com.android.resolv
df: 'vendor_service_contexts': Permission denied
1|a3xeltexx:/ $

Meanwhile v1.0 goes nicely on this device. Thanks to the /e/ team :heart:.

Hello, @ernesternest
Welcome to this forum.

It is not (a3xeltexx) as in the title, but (a3xelte)

latest and last build as Q has recently be dropped :

Hi Piero,
thank you for your answer, although I had deleted my question. I deleted it, after I had found a source and could install an earlier version. I reflashed then the latest from your source and I am quite happy with it. Thanks for that!
I have a rather degoogled but still stock rom FP3 and I depend on some paid apps from the store. So I dug out the mighty A3 - how small it is :wink: - and wanted to find out, if /e/ os could be the right thing for me. Not 100% I guess, but maybe 95%. A few paid apps I might have to let go, as some can just be obtained via Google Play.
Best regards,

Je voudrais faire remarquer que la page d’installation de ce modèle n’est pas facile à trouver, et que sans ce post je n’aurais pas trouvé de rom récente. Encore merci pour les liens piero, j’essaye dès que possible. La page d’install pourrait avoir une redirection sur la page principale des modèles. De plus il faut installer twrp 3.4 sinon ça ne fonctionne pas.

C’est pour cette raison que j’ai mis des liens ici…

Pour les modèles abandonnés, il faut cocher “show legacy devices” sur la page https://doc.e.foundation/devices


Je n’ai pourtant habituellement pas confiance dans TWRP 3.4, d’experience, je lui préfère TWRP 3.3

OK pour l’info sur twrp 3.3. J’ai d’abord essayé la plus récente, je suis déjà content d’avoir pu redémarrer mon téléphone!
Pour la doc, merci pour les infos, ça vaudrait la peine le mettre plus d’info en première page, j’ai souvent beaucoup chercher pour trouver cela. Ou alors tout afficher en précisant ce qui est “legacy” ou pas.

Not sure but this may work?

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Thank @ronnz98 I’m waiting for the download of the rom (waiting for better internet connexion) then I will come back.

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