/e/ OS dev (9-Pie) available for Galaxy A5 (2017) SM-A520F “a5y17lte”
Download /e/ for a5y17lte
- dev (pie)
/e/ ROM latest dev build downloads
Please check MD5sum or SHA256sum after download.
e-0.7-p-2020033047438-dev-a5y17lte.zip [changelog | MD5 | SHA256]
e-0.7-n-2020032947313-dev-a5y17lte.zip [changelog | MD5 | SHA256]
Installation and build instructions can be found at our /e/ Documentation
2018, 2019, 2020 - e Foundation
Camera API (selectable)
➀ Original camera API
➋ Camera2 API
Changelog (shortened)
- e/os/android_packages_apps_FMRadio
**The new /e/ OS 9-Pie build is not the official build, still in testing ** Unfortunately it comes without an active analog FM radio app.
Update 02.04.2020