/e/ os after Ubuntu Touch

Do you really think that g****e will deliberately sabotage the development of microG?
I think rather no. It’s not a critical mass that needs to be seen as the enemy and forcefully crushed.
They will rather continue to do their thing. microG will then get it adapted or not. But that’s not going to happen consciously.

I am almost certain that Xiaomi do provide a means to change the SIM in your phone, though it will be tricky. The critical thing in the wording of their instructions is to keep the SIM unchanged during unlocking. (But this is not relevant to the “unlocked” splash screen issue, if that is your only negative issue).

PS, not in any way to contradict @piero that /e/ is should really go on top of “manufacture’s latest”.

BTW, UBports isn’t an instance of Canonical anymore. A foundation now: https://ubports.com/foundation/ubports-foundation


When I reinstall any system I take sim card out :angel: My issue last night was connected with the idea that I followed to install stock rom after UT and than I had to log in to Mi Account in order to run the phone in any way. I remembered provided e-mail address but not the provided phone number, which eventually I was lucky enough to have :grin: I stressed a bit, however stock rom took back the rabbit bootloader and /e/ now functions even better I must admit :grin:

Here’s a clear description (with screenshots) of the installation process on the Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 from Stock Rom. Follow step 1 + 2: (Note that normally flash back Mui stock ROM does NOT lock the bootloader again)

Then follow the steps here from “Booting custom recovery using fastboot”


Everything should be ok…

thank you for the link :heart: phone currently works :angel:

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