/e/OS Browser crashes trying to open URL from any App

Hi all!

Before opening an issue at GitLab I’d like to ask the Forum if anyone shares my experience.

Problem: Since Android 9 (Pie) on Fairphone 2 /e/OS Browser can’t open anymore any link from inside any app if the Browser app is closed.

Every time I try to open a link (e. g. Weather APP -> About -> Source Code) the Browser crashes if the Browser wasn’t open in the background anyway.

Can anyone confirm this behavior or knows a solution?

Thanks in advance and happy easter (as happy as it can get right now)!

I was able to open the Source code link on a MiA1 with official pi/e/ build . Browser was not open in the background before that. Lets wait for a confirmation on this behavior on the FP2

Update: I installed the “Fennec F-Droid” Browser and made it the default browser app. This browser doesn’t crash trying to open a link within an app.

i also have this issue on my mi a1 if the option always open in privacy mode is selected

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Thanks @kamamira! It is exactly the case on my FP2. If /e/ Browser
Settings / Privacy / “Open links in incognito tabs always” is activated the browser will crash.

@Manoj: should I report a bug?

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You can add this precision to the existing report, in a comment (but I can do it if you want).


I just tried and it works for me. Opens the Browser in incognito mode. Raise a bug with logs generated after a crash.

I did as @Anonyme recommended plus attached my log generated after the crash. Hope that helps with this issue.

These crashes are history with version 81, new is version 83. I hope this version is integrated in /e/ soon :slight_smile: Thanks a lot.