e/OS cannot be updated - stuck on old version

This corresponds to 1.8.1-q-20230207257879-dev-pioneer, which was the last build for your device based on Android 10 (Q) according to /e/OS dev pioneer download

Upgrades are available up to Android 13 (T), which is a good situation your device is in, regular updates continue on this base.
Upgrades to newer Android versions are not available via the updater for your device (only a select few devices and a select few upgrade steps are being done this way, it’s a lot of development and testing work, if interested see the weekly posts in Topics tagged development-updates, section “OS OTA Related information” currently).

So, to get your phone any further and receive regular updates again, you will need to install the current /e/OS version from scratch, instructions are here … Install /e/OS on a Sony Xperia XA2 - “pioneer”. This will wipe your data, so be prepared with a backup of all your important stuff.