/e/OS is a very interesting project but uses unsupported old android version

/e/OS is a very interesting project, probably the best from a privacy point of view, but it uses an old version of Android that is not supported by google in many cases.
Is there any news about having at least Android 12?

It is true that a number of phones are only supported by Android 10, but the majority of Supported devices are at Android 11 and 12.

There is news Week 33, 2023: Development and Testing Updates that Android 13 should arrive soon and a preliminary list of devices to receive it.


Android 11,12,13 are still getting ā€˜Android security patchesā€™ from Google.

For which device?


Thank you for the update. According to this there are 227 supported devices: android S 104 (45.81%) - android R 95 (41.85%) - android Q 28 (12.33%).

Right, but not Android Q-10. I have many Samsung devices with it and am thinking of switching to Lineage OS.

Thank you @alfredino for the percentage figures.

I have seen no end of life plan for /e/OS Android Q. There are Samsung devices with highly competent and conscientious ROM maintainers at Lineage producing Android 11, but /e/OS does not follow suit.

An example is Samsung A3 (2016) a3xelte. @RdLr demonstrated that an Android R build could easily be created https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/backlog/-/issues/5320#note_369646 a year ago.

I built it again 4 months ago https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/backlog/-/issues/5320#note_369646, two members of the testing team reported the build ok. The official response was zero.

I do not understand why, when we have testers for these devices, we cannot build the ROMs and at least continue to distribute them all the time they are problem free.


ā€¦of which the Samsung Galaxy S7 is likely to be upgraded to Android 11 and the Galaxy S9 to Android 11 (Stable) and Android 13 (Dev).

EDIT : Teracube 2e/zirconia is allready upgraded to Android 11

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Right, for instance this and this.

This is great. What about ā€œdreamlteā€ and ā€œdream2lteā€ (android R-11) and ā€œstarlteā€ and ā€œstar2lteā€ (android Q-10)?

R for ā€œstarlteā€ and ā€œstar2lteā€ is in develpment:

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Read my post again, i mentioned Galaxy S9 :wink:

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You are right. What about ā€œdreamlteā€ and ā€œdream2lteā€ (android R-11)?

Android 11 (R) https://images.ecloud.global/dev/dream2lte/, https://images.ecloud.global/dev/dreamlte/, https://images.ecloud.global/stable/dream2lte/, https://images.ecloud.global/stable/dreamlte/ ā€¦ as well as OTA Upgrade Samsung: s8 / s8+ : Pie (A9) ā†’ R (A11) ā€” for stable builds.

Sorry to hijack the discussion, but I think the question in the link above is still relevant to the initial post

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I guess itā€™s hard to say since there is no official LineageOS version for the Galaxy S8.


Iā€™m most probably missing something obvious.


Is not the above the lineageOS ROM for the S8 ?
Is that not official ?

Official is here, not listing the S8 (not even among discontinued devices): https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices

You can search the XDA thread you linked to for ā€œofficialā€, this comes up for instance ā€¦ https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/lineageos-19-1-android-12l-signature-spoofing-ota-updates-for-s8-s8-note8.4370375/page-40#post-86746119

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After a quick search on Gitlab i found that the source code (for dreamlte/dream2lte) is forked from this project :



Not sure who counts as official, but since Lineage even has support for some Samsung S3, S4, S5 ā€“ itā€™d be great to see these running /e
A S3 runs great on 18.1 (Android 11)!

And as for lack of general feedbackā€¦
I signed up here just a few days ago, after just reading for +18month. Iā€™m helping out at a Repair-Cafe and often people +60-70 years saying thier banks are asking them to use an app for banking and thier phones are too old, or they just never had a smartphone!
Iā€™m allways very happy to just hand out a S5 with /e installed and install the required banking app from the app lounge, to get them started. This is all free of charge, including the smartphone.

Devices Iā€™m currently looking into, or intalled /e on:

Devices are donated, or from a recycling center and as there are just so many people with SM models they became my goto devices, for handing out or demoing, how to flash them.

Sorry, if off topic in parts!


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