Easy installer hangs on Samsung Galaxy 7 after formatting on "send package with abd"

Hey everybody,

I tried to use the easy installer on a Galaxy 7, SM_G930F (as the installer said). Worked well so far but after the formatting the device just says “Now send the package you want to apply to the device with adb sideload ”. The installer itself is stuck at “Select apply update from ADB”. (see picture at end of post)

Here are the last few lines of the log file:

2024-08-07 10:00:26,447 DEBUG [Thread-30] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)waiting for recovery
2024-08-07 10:00:56,349 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-07 10:01:35,435 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-07 10:01:51,977 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-07 10:02:02,485 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-07 10:02:02,487 WARN [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.UiUtils [null:-1] loadImage(), image's file name = install_instr_e_recovery_factory_reset_format_data_validate.png, error = java.lang.NullPointerException: Input stream must not be null
2024-08-07 10:02:10,766 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-07 10:02:25,567 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-07 10:02:27,120 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-07 10:02:27,132 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] last instruction reached instruction

Any ideas as to what I can do are very welcome. I downloaded ADB already but I don’t know what filename to apply…

Thank you for your time!

At the point in time of your photo you need to tap “ADB sideload” on the device, worded as Apply update on your PC screen. Note it is probably correct there are 2 steps, but the wording is simply not exactly what you are seeing on the device!

Edit, hence the log says

waiting for recovery

… recovery is there, but not in sideload mode which is required.

I tried tapping that on the phone, but nothing happens. However I can press ‘cancel’ just fine, as well as the back button.

… after trying these buttons several times there’s now two new lines on the phone screen:
Install completed with status 3.
Installation aborted.

The easy installer hasn’t changed. I tried a reboot and then got a notice along the lines of “your device’s memory is compromised, you need to reset it”. This is turning out to be regular Android though. I’m starting over, will update later.

I have already installed e/OS/ on a Samsung S7, and I remember having some issues. I’m on vacation, I don’t have much time, but I’m sharing the notes I took during my installation. Some parts may not be relevent to you.

Samsung boots directly without going through the recovery; you need to press VOLUME UP as soon as the screen goes black.

I encountered a bug mentioned in this issue: ERROR: Failed to receive file part response! · Issue #347 · Benjamin-Dobell/Heimdall · GitHub

I resolved it by using this fork: GitHub - alexax66/Heimdall: Heimdall is a cross-platform open-source tool suite used to flash firmware (aka ROMs) onto Samsung Galaxy devices.

You have already achieved step (7)

So it’s been a few days but I just gave it another go – same issue. However, now the phone says “E: Timeout waiting for messages from minadb”

@gcher495 thank you for the tips! I’d read about pressing the buttons quickly so I didn’t run into that issue, and the other thing sounds like a different kind of problem to me. If you remember anything else I would love to hear it though.

@piero yes exactly! I just don’t seem to be able to start step 8, or rather, something seems to be wrong there. Your links aren’t taking me anywhere?

I checked the new log file and did notice some things: there are a few errors that all say “input stream must not be null”, and it also says ADB folder path = /snap/easy-installer/38/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/adb/. That path only exists up to the directory 38. So that is probably an issue? Correction, I did not look properly. The directory is there

Here’s the full log since it’s not that long:

2024-08-18 22:59:53,263 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.EasyInstaller [null:-1] 
OS name = Linux
Java Home = /snap/easy-installer/38/easy-installer-linux-x64
Current working dir = /tmp/hsperfdata_anna
ADB folder path = /snap/easy-installer/38/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/adb/
2024-08-18 22:59:53,627 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.EasyInstaller [null:-1] language = en, country = GB 
2024-08-18 22:59:53,971 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] initialize()
2024-08-18 22:59:53,985 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(null)
2024-08-18 22:59:54,196 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.EasyInstaller [null:-1] Detected screen's size = 1920.0 x 1036.0
stage's size = 1440.0 x 1024.0
2024-08-18 23:00:01,345 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(beforeYouBeginRoot)
2024-08-18 23:00:01,346 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] change view()
2024-08-18 23:00:08,445 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(connectDeviceRoot)
2024-08-18 23:00:08,447 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] change view()
2024-08-18 23:02:20,305 WARN [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.EnableADBController [null:-1] imageName = enableADB10.png, error = java.lang.NullPointerException: Input stream must not be null
2024-08-18 23:02:45,456 WARN [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.EnableADBController [null:-1] imageName = enableADB11.png, error = java.lang.NullPointerException: Input stream must not be null
2024-08-18 23:02:45,857 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] ResetNextButtonEventHandler()
2024-08-18 23:02:45,860 WARN [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.EnableADBController [null:-1] imageName = enableADB12.png, error = java.lang.NullPointerException: Input stream must not be null
2024-08-18 23:02:46,386 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(enableDevMode)
2024-08-18 23:02:46,388 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] change view()
2024-08-18 23:02:46,711 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DeviceDetectedController [null:-1] startDetection()
2024-08-18 23:02:46,727 INFO [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1] runADBDevicesCmd(): 
2024-08-18 23:02:46,783 DEBUG [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] updateParameters(), Parameters = {1=devices, 2=-l}
2024-08-18 23:02:46,786 DEBUG [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] getFullCmd(), full command =  [/snap/easy-installer/38/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/adb/adb, devices, -l]
2024-08-18 23:02:46,937 DEBUG [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)List of devices attached
2024-08-18 23:02:46,939 DEBUG [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] Exit value = 0

2024-08-18 23:02:46,942 DEBUG [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]  raw shell outputs = 

List of devices attached 
2024-08-18 23:02:46,943 INFO [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   waiting
2024-08-18 23:02:49,195 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DeviceDetectedController [null:-1] startDetection()
2024-08-18 23:02:49,197 INFO [Thread-4] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1] runADBDevicesCmd(): 
2024-08-18 23:02:49,199 DEBUG [Thread-4] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] updateParameters(), Parameters = {1=devices, 2=-l}
2024-08-18 23:02:49,200 DEBUG [Thread-4] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] getFullCmd(), full command =  [/snap/easy-installer/38/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/adb/adb, devices, -l]
2024-08-18 23:02:49,205 DEBUG [Thread-4] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)List of devices attached
2024-08-18 23:02:49,206 DEBUG [Thread-4] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] Exit value = 0

2024-08-18 23:02:49,207 DEBUG [Thread-4] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]  raw shell outputs = 

List of devices attached 
2024-08-18 23:02:49,207 INFO [Thread-4] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   waiting
2024-08-18 23:02:51,459 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DeviceDetectedController [null:-1] startDetection()
2024-08-18 23:02:51,462 INFO [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1] runADBDevicesCmd(): 
2024-08-18 23:02:51,463 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] updateParameters(), Parameters = {1=devices, 2=-l}
2024-08-18 23:02:51,464 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] getFullCmd(), full command =  [/snap/easy-installer/38/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/adb/adb, devices, -l]
2024-08-18 23:02:51,469 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)List of devices attached
2024-08-18 23:02:51,470 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] Exit value = 0

2024-08-18 23:02:51,471 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]  raw shell outputs = 

List of devices attached 
2024-08-18 23:02:51,471 INFO [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   waiting
2024-08-18 23:02:53,722 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DeviceDetectedController [null:-1] startDetection()
2024-08-18 23:02:53,725 INFO [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1] runADBDevicesCmd(): 
2024-08-18 23:02:53,726 DEBUG [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] updateParameters(), Parameters = {1=devices, 2=-l}
2024-08-18 23:02:53,727 DEBUG [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] getFullCmd(), full command =  [/snap/easy-installer/38/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/adb/adb, devices, -l]
2024-08-18 23:02:53,732 DEBUG [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)List of devices attached
2024-08-18 23:02:53,734 DEBUG [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] Exit value = 0

2024-08-18 23:02:53,734 DEBUG [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]  raw shell outputs = 

List of devices attached 
2024-08-18 23:02:53,735 INFO [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   waiting
2024-08-18 23:02:55,986 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DeviceDetectedController [null:-1] startDetection()
2024-08-18 23:02:55,988 INFO [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1] runADBDevicesCmd(): 
2024-08-18 23:02:55,990 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] updateParameters(), Parameters = {1=devices, 2=-l}
2024-08-18 23:02:55,991 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] getFullCmd(), full command =  [/snap/easy-installer/38/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/adb/adb, devices, -l]
2024-08-18 23:02:56,004 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)List of devices attached
2024-08-18 23:02:56,006 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)ce0916099414760c04     device usb:1-3 product:heroltexx model:SM_G930F device:herolte transport_id:23
2024-08-18 23:02:56,010 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] Exit value = 0

2024-08-18 23:02:56,012 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]  raw shell outputs = 

List of devices attached

ce0916099414760c04     device usb:1-3 product:heroltexx model:SM_G930F device:herolte transport_id:23 
2024-08-18 23:02:56,013 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1] checkAdbDevicesResult(ce0916099414760c04     device usb:1-3 product:heroltexx model:SM_G930F device:herolte transport_id:23)
2024-08-18 23:02:56,014 INFO [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   Device has been found
2024-08-18 23:02:56,017 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   Current subString : ce0916099414760c04
2024-08-18 23:02:56,018 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   Current subString : device
2024-08-18 23:02:56,019 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   Current subString : usb:1-3
2024-08-18 23:02:56,021 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   Current subString : product:heroltexx
2024-08-18 23:02:56,022 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   "product" keyword has been found
2024-08-18 23:02:56,023 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   Current subString : model:SM_G930F
2024-08-18 23:02:56,024 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   "model" keyword has been found
2024-08-18 23:02:56,025 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   Current subString : device:herolte
2024-08-18 23:02:56,026 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   "device" keyword has been found
2024-08-18 23:02:56,027 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   Current subString : transport_id:23
2024-08-18 23:02:56,028 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1] call(), result: Device found
2024-08-18 23:02:56,032 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.h.DeviceHelper [null:-1] loadYaml(/yaml/herolte_flash.yml)
2024-08-18 23:02:56,206 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] parseSteps(yaml)
2024-08-18 23:02:56,207 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] --step type:custom-executable
2024-08-18 23:02:56,212 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] --step type:load
2024-08-18 23:02:56,213 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] --step type:custom-executable
2024-08-18 23:02:56,213 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] --step type:load
2024-08-18 23:02:56,214 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] --step type:askAccount
2024-08-18 23:02:56,214 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] --step type:custom
2024-08-18 23:02:56,214 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] parseCustomStep(yaml)
2024-08-18 23:03:01,589 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(deviceDetectedRoot)
2024-08-18 23:03:01,591 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] change view()
2024-08-18 23:03:01,910 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.h.DeviceHelper [null:-1] loadYaml(/yaml/herolte_fs.yml)
2024-08-18 23:03:01,912 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] parseSourcesToDownload(...yaml...)
2024-08-18 23:03:01,913 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] --> url: https://images.ecloud.global/stable/herolte/e-latest-s-herolte.zip, filePath: e-latest-s-herolte.zip
2024-08-18 23:03:01,913 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.ConfigParser [null:-1] --> url: https://images.ecloud.global/stable/herolte/recovery-e-latest-s-herolte.img, filePath: recovery-e-latest-s-herolte.img
2024-08-18 23:03:01,914 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] startNextDownload()
2024-08-18 23:03:01,915 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] taskIterator has next ? {} true
2024-08-18 23:03:01,919 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] bindProgressUIToService()
2024-08-18 23:03:01,920 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] DownloadService.createTask(https://images.ecloud.global/stable/herolte/e-latest-s-herolte.zip,e-latest-s-herolte.zip)
2024-08-18 23:03:01,969 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] downloadFile(https://images.ecloud.global/stable/herolte/e-latest-s-herolte.zip.sha256sum, /home/anna/snap/easy-installer/common/sources/herolte/e-latest-s-herolte.zip.sha256sum)
2024-08-18 23:03:02,515 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] local file exist, size is 108
2024-08-18 23:03:02,529 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] last modified date = Wed Aug 07 09:48:21 CEST 2024
2024-08-18 23:03:03,491 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] response code: 200, OK
2024-08-18 23:03:03,534 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] remote fileSize = 108.0
2024-08-18 23:03:03,535 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] full file size = 108.0
2024-08-18 23:03:03,543 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] validChecksum(/home/anna/snap/easy-installer/common/sources/herolte/e-latest-s-herolte.zip.sha256sum)
2024-08-18 23:03:03,547 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1]   ChecksumLine = 74b20db46eb16ede880a0677d8e51e2a8fafb13decf88fdf96092a467d5e9291  e-2.2-s-20240716417774-stable-herolte.zip
2024-08-18 23:03:03,548 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] createFileChecksum()
2024-08-18 23:03:12,062 DEBUG [Thread-8] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] compare checksum: 74b20db46eb16ede880a0677d8e51e2a8fafb13decf88fdf96092a467d5e9291 vs 74b20db46eb16ede880a0677d8e51e2a8fafb13decf88fdf96092a467d5e9291
2024-08-18 23:03:12,064 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] DownloadService.succeeded()
2024-08-18 23:03:12,065 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] startNextDownload()
2024-08-18 23:03:12,065 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] taskIterator has next ? {} true
2024-08-18 23:03:12,066 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] bindProgressUIToService()
2024-08-18 23:03:12,067 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] DownloadService.createTask(https://images.ecloud.global/stable/herolte/recovery-e-latest-s-herolte.img,recovery-e-latest-s-herolte.img)
2024-08-18 23:03:12,069 DEBUG [Thread-10] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] downloadFile(https://images.ecloud.global/stable/herolte/recovery-e-latest-s-herolte.img.sha256sum, /home/anna/snap/easy-installer/common/sources/herolte/recovery-e-latest-s-herolte.img.sha256sum)
2024-08-18 23:03:12,071 DEBUG [Thread-10] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] local file exist, size is 117
2024-08-18 23:03:12,072 DEBUG [Thread-10] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] last modified date = Wed Aug 07 09:53:58 CEST 2024
2024-08-18 23:03:12,822 DEBUG [Thread-10] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] response code: 200, OK
2024-08-18 23:03:12,824 DEBUG [Thread-10] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] remote fileSize = 117.0
2024-08-18 23:03:12,824 DEBUG [Thread-10] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] full file size = 117.0
2024-08-18 23:03:12,826 DEBUG [Thread-10] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] validChecksum(/home/anna/snap/easy-installer/common/sources/herolte/recovery-e-latest-s-herolte.img.sha256sum)
2024-08-18 23:03:12,828 DEBUG [Thread-10] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1]   ChecksumLine = ff9ef1824417851d0b3b0f0913985fb0caf44281cccaf5f76e531b0171cac493  recovery-e-2.2-s-20240716417774-stable-herolte.img
2024-08-18 23:03:12,829 DEBUG [Thread-10] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] createFileChecksum()
2024-08-18 23:03:13,195 DEBUG [Thread-10] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] compare checksum: ff9ef1824417851d0b3b0f0913985fb0caf44281cccaf5f76e531b0171cac493 vs ff9ef1824417851d0b3b0f0913985fb0caf44281cccaf5f76e531b0171cac493
2024-08-18 23:03:13,196 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] DownloadService.succeeded()
2024-08-18 23:03:13,197 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] startNextDownload()
2024-08-18 23:03:13,198 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] taskIterator has next ? {} false
2024-08-18 23:03:13,198 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DownloadSrcController [null:-1] onDownloadsComplete()
2024-08-18 23:03:13,542 DEBUG [Thread-9] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] timeoutThread is over!
2024-08-18 23:03:15,215 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(downloadSceneRoot)
2024-08-18 23:03:15,274 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] change view()
2024-08-18 23:03:15,717 DEBUG [Thread-12] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] updateParameters(), Parameters = {heimdall_folder_path=/snap/easy-installer/38/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/}
2024-08-18 23:03:15,718 DEBUG [Thread-12] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] getFullCmd(), full command =  [/snap/easy-installer/38/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/scripts/wait-download.sh, /snap/easy-installer/38/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/]
2024-08-18 23:03:15,838 DEBUG [Thread-12] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Heimdall path: /snap/easy-installer/38/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/heimdall
2024-08-18 23:03:22,826 DEBUG [Thread-11] e.e.i.t.DownloadTask [null:-1] timeoutThread is over!
2024-08-18 23:03:24,762 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-18 23:03:26,727 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-18 23:04:19,221 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-18 23:04:39,390 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-18 23:04:39,414 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] last instruction reached instruction
2024-08-18 23:04:39,464 DEBUG [Thread-12] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Download mode detected
2024-08-18 23:04:39,465 DEBUG [Thread-12] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] Exit value = 0

2024-08-18 23:04:39,467 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(uiRoot)
2024-08-18 23:04:39,467 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] change view()
2024-08-18 23:04:39,468 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] ResetNextButtonEventHandler()
2024-08-18 23:04:39,819 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] updateParameters(), Parameters = {twrp_image_path=/home/anna/snap/easy-installer/common/sources/herolte/recovery-e-latest-s-herolte.img, heimdall_folder_path=/snap/easy-installer/38/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/}
2024-08-18 23:04:39,820 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] getFullCmd(), full command =  [/snap/easy-installer/38/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/scripts/install-recovery.sh, /home/anna/snap/easy-installer/common/sources/herolte/recovery-e-latest-s-herolte.img, /snap/easy-installer/38/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/]
2024-08-18 23:04:39,834 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Heimdall path: /snap/easy-installer/38/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/heimdall
2024-08-18 23:04:39,851 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Heimdall v1.4.2
2024-08-18 23:04:39,852 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Benjamin Dobell, Glass Echidna
2024-08-18 23:04:39,852 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
2024-08-18 23:04:39,853 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)This software is provided free of charge. Copying and redistribution is
2024-08-18 23:04:39,854 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
2024-08-18 23:04:39,855 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)If you appreciate this software and you would like to support future
2024-08-18 23:04:39,855 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)development please consider donating:
2024-08-18 23:04:39,856 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
2024-08-18 23:04:40,852 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Initialising connection...
2024-08-18 23:04:40,856 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Detecting device...
2024-08-18 23:04:40,857 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Claiming interface...
2024-08-18 23:04:40,858 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Setting up interface...
2024-08-18 23:04:40,858 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Initialising protocol...
2024-08-18 23:04:40,859 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Protocol initialisation successful.
2024-08-18 23:04:40,860 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Beginning session...
2024-08-18 23:04:40,901 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Some devices may take up to 2 minutes to respond.
2024-08-18 23:04:40,901 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Please be patient!
2024-08-18 23:04:43,907 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Session begun.
2024-08-18 23:04:43,910 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Downloading device's PIT file...
2024-08-18 23:04:44,067 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)PIT file download successful.
2024-08-18 23:04:44,067 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Uploading RECOVERY
2024-08-18 23:04:45,844 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
2024-08-18 23:04:45,845 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)RECOVERY upload successful
2024-08-18 23:04:45,845 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Ending session...
2024-08-18 23:04:45,847 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Releasing device interface...
2024-08-18 23:04:45,849 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] Exit value = 0

2024-08-18 23:04:45,852 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(uiRoot)
2024-08-18 23:04:45,853 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] change view()
2024-08-18 23:04:45,854 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] ResetNextButtonEventHandler()
2024-08-18 23:04:46,188 DEBUG [Thread-14] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] updateParameters(), Parameters = {device_id=ce0916099414760c04, adb_folder_path=/snap/easy-installer/38/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/adb/}
2024-08-18 23:04:46,188 DEBUG [Thread-14] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] getFullCmd(), full command =  [/snap/easy-installer/38/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/scripts/wait-e-recovery-sideload.sh, ce0916099414760c04, /snap/easy-installer/38/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/adb/]
2024-08-18 23:04:46,196 DEBUG [Thread-14] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)waiting for recovery
2024-08-18 23:06:18,092 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-18 23:06:18,854 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-18 23:06:19,623 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-18 23:06:29,649 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-18 23:06:29,651 WARN [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.UiUtils [null:-1] loadImage(), image's file name = install_instr_e_recovery_factory_reset_format_data_validate.png, error = java.lang.NullPointerException: Input stream must not be null
2024-08-18 23:06:34,479 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-18 23:06:53,154 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-18 23:06:53,875 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-18 23:06:53,897 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] last instruction reached instruction

Again, thank you for your time!

Hi @Netzhexe I have the same uncertainty about you log as I expressed here Galaxy S8 does not reboot into e Recovery screen - #14 by aibd

Editing your log to the last moments

2024-08-18 23:04:43,910 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)PIT file download successful.
2024-08-18 23:04:44,067 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)Uploading RECOVERY
2024-08-18 23:04:45,845 DEBUG [Thread-13] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)RECOVERY upload successful
2024-08-18 23:04:46,196 DEBUG [Thread-14] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)waiting for recovery
2024-08-18 23:06:18,092 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-18 23:06:18,854 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-18 23:06:19,623 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-18 23:06:29,649 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-18 23:06:29,651 WARN [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.u.UiUtils [null:-1] loadImage(), image's file name = install_instr_e_recovery_factory_reset_format_data_validate.png, error = java.lang.NullPointerException: Input stream must not be null
2024-08-18 23:06:34,479 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-18 23:06:53,154 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-18 23:06:53,875 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] onContinueClicked
2024-08-18 23:06:53,897 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.CustomExecutableController [null:-1] last instruction reached instruction

These are all successes, but the log closes within a matter of seconds, with no record of any attempt to carry out the sideload step.

In your OP you showed e-Recovery but non working. Has any thing changed on that front ?

Are you seeing this on an e-Recovery screen?

Those java errors appear frequently in those positions, definitely not part of the problem.

You downloaded recovery-e-2.2-s-20240716417774-stable-herolte.img and I am inclined to think it has faults, as expressed Galaxy S8 does not reboot into e Recovery screen - #21 by Xxpsilon.

Please can you describe the state of the phone at the moment. What happens when you try to start it regularly and with other booting modes


With the device powered off - hold Volume Up + Home + Power. When the blue text appears, release the buttons.


With the device powered off - hold Volume Down + Home + Power

If you were to abandon Easy Installer, you may be able to

Use executables already installed

A manual install Install /e/OS on a Samsung Galaxy S7 - “herolte” needs heimdall and adb … from your log


So you might

cd /snap/easy-installer/38/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/

and explore for the two executables … cd to their location then you can verify heimdall and adb are working with commands like

./heimdall version

./adb --version

I remember too having issues with easy installer on my S7. What i finally did after having my phone wiped from the stockOS (by mistake) and not recognized anymore by the installer, was putting the phone via recovery on adb sideload, and then using the adb command adb -d sideload filename.zip and the /e/OS-herolte-rom.zip downloaded on the site to push it and install it on the device. I let down easy installer but managed to do it in the end.


I had the exactly same error trying to install e os on my S7 today, stuck at step 8.

I solved it the following way:

  1. Download the last e OS build from here (I used the official build):
    /e/OS stable herolte download
  2. Copy onto SD card and put the SD card in your phone.
  3. Boot into e-recovery
  4. Choose “Apply update”
  5. Choose “Choose from $SDCARD”
  6. Choose the e OS image from your SD Card
  7. Reboot after installation and follow instructions in the wizard.

Hope that helps for somebody having the same issues.


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@palomen599 (and all others who tried to help),

thank you so much, that sounds like a perfect solution! I tried again a little later and ran into more issues, and then my laptop died in the middle of writing another reply here. And then life happened, as it is wont to do.

However, we urgently needed that phone to be functional so my husband took over and went back to Google for the time being. Kid is super happy about finally having a phone of his own and being able to text his friends, so I’ll leave it at that, for now. Sigh.

(But I’m glad to know I can return to this thread if need be!)

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